More than a thousand tropical butterflies fly freely in the glass conservatory at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House. Watch a butterfly emerge from a chrysalis right before your eyes, marvel at our insect collection on display in Small Wonders, or go outside and visit native and migrating species in the Native Butterfly Garden. Take a class, bring a field trip, shop, or plan a private event.

Whatever your age, you'll enjoy a visit to the Butterfly House, where wonder takes flight!

Things to Know

  • Please stay on pathways in the Conservatory and Native Butterfly Garden. 
  • Please leave flowers, plants and animals for everyone to enjoy. Do not collect or remove butterflies, seeds, flowers, fruits and vegetables, plant labels, etc.
  • No soliciting. View the Garden’s Solicitation Policy.

Stroller Policy

Limited space and USDA containment requirements restrict our ability to have strollers or wagons in the Butterfly House, including the Tropical Conservatory. We strongly encourage the use of baby slings or carriers as alternatives to strollers, when visiting the Butterfly House.

If you require an accommodation, please consider using a smaller, lightweight “umbrella” stroller. The immersive nature of our exhibit areas do not easily accommodate oversize, side-by-side, double-seated, or jogging strollers.


  • We welcome visitor snapshots; individual, family, engagement and senior class portraits; and other photography or portraiture intended for personal use only (i.e., not for commercial use). Photographers are not allowed to block pathways or visitor access to any area of the Butterfly House. Please review and abide by the following guidelines:
    • Indoor and outdoor public paths cannot be blocked and traffic will not be stopped at any time in order to take photos.
    • Participants will stay on public pathways and in public areas.
    • No use of tripods or non-handheld props. Monopods allowed.
    • Flowerbeds may not be entered or disturbed. Plant labels and other signs may not be changed or removed.
    • No clothing changes inside the premises.
    • There will be no disruption to Butterfly House visitors, staff, animals, plants, or trees in any way.
    • Photos must be taken during regular Butterfly House hours of operation.
    • If a visitor is asked by another person not to take pictures of that person or others accompanying that person, the request must be honored to protect personal rights of privacy. If a picture has already been taken, it must be deleted upon request.

We highly encourage all shoots to be done outdoors as it is extremely difficult to do portrait photography in our Conservatory without blocking pathways or access for our other visitors.

If, at any time, Butterfly House Management determines the party is not abiding by the guidelines, the photography will be terminated immediately.

  • Wedding, bridal, prom and other event photography requires a reservation and prepayment. The fee is $250 for up to 10 people per hour. Reservations are set before or after public hours. Please call (314) 577-0888 x3 to make a reservation.
  • Ad agencies, public relations firms, marketing groups, corporate communications offices, commercial photographers, location scouts and others wishing to shoot commercial photography or video at the Sophia M Sachs Butterfly House should contact the Public Relations Division at or by calling 314-577-0286.
  • Please refer to the Missouri Botanical Garden photo policy for details and clarification.

Attire and Clothing

  • Shirts and shoes are required at all times.
  • In respect to all visitors, patrons wearing articles of clothing that may be taken as profane, vulgar, racial, sexist, or sexually suggestive, including slogans/illustrations, may be asked to change clothing before entering the Butterfly House.
  • Clothing changes (including those for photography shoots) are not permitted on the premises. 


  • No pets allowed, please. Service animals are welcome at the Butterfly House. Please review these guidelines to help you enjoy your visit with your assistance animal.
  • Do not feed or handle the wildlife. It can be harmful to them and you.

Smoking, Vaping and Litter

  • The Butterfly House is a tobacco-free environment. Smoking, tobacco products and devices, and electronic smoking devices are not allowed on Butterfly House property including all buildings, grounds, restrooms and parking lots.
  • We care about the environment. Please dispose of waste in recycle bins when appropriate. Do not litter.

Meetings and Gatherings


  • Non-school classes led by an instructor not affiliated with the Butterfly House are not permitted. This applies to both for-profit and not-for-profit classes. Call (314) 577-0888 x0 for more information. All school-based groups (including colleges and universities) wishing to hold either a class must register with the Butterfly House in advance of their visit by calling (314) 577-0888 x2. To ensure a quality experience for all visitors, we have established a maximum number of group admissions per hour per day. Early registration will help us reserve your preferred arrival time.
  • The Butterfly House offers Youth & Family as well as Adult classes on week days and weekends. Find a class that is perfect for you and register today! View full list of classes.

Personal Safety

  • Do not wade or swim in ponds, streams or fountains.
  • Please keep your personal items with you at all times. The Butterfly House cannot be held responsible for missing items. If you recover an item on the grounds that does not belong to you, please turn it in to the admission counter. To inquire about a missing item, please call (314) 577-0888 x0.
  • For their safety, please supervise children at all times. One adult should accompany every five children.
  • No climbing, running, sports, or games.
  • Two-wheeled scooters, “wheelie” shoes, skates or skateboards are not allowed.
  • Weapons and firearms are not permitted at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House.


The Butterfly House is located in Faust Park.  Faust is a St. Louis County Park in Chesterfield, Missouri off Olive Blvd.  The park has several attractions in addition to the Butterfly House.  Visit their website for more information.