
Girl Scouts

Girl Scout Troops can explore the wonders of nature at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House. We have programs for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes to enjoy and earn their badges!

Daisies: Clover's Petal, Outdoor Art, and Think Like a Citizen Science

Brownies: Bugs Badge and Outdoor Art

Juniors: Gardener Badge, Animal Habitats Badge and Outdoor Art

Cadettes: Outdoor Art

Daisy Programs

Bee on clover
Clover's Petal
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Read Clover’s Story together and practice using resources wisely. Be resourceful while making a collage and bee home. Also, learn how to be resourceful every day. Meets the requirements for the Clover Petal.

Blu Morpho butterfly
Outdoor Art
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Come outside and get inspired by nature at the Butterfly House. Have fun practicing a variety of art genres while earning your Outdoor Art Badge. Make a colorful painting outside, search for sounds in nature, perform a play, and create leaf rubbings.

Think Like a Citizen Scientist
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Learn the meaning of citizen science and how it helps us learn about our world. Each Scout creates their own field notebook, and we practice making observations outdoors. At the end of class, Scouts will participate in a real Citizen Science project in our outdoor gardens.


Brownie Programs

At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Learn the important roles insects and spiders play in our world. Explore their fascinating world with the help of several living insects and spiders. Girls will be given the opportunity for close study of the living animals, and we will walk through the Butterfly House to see our butterflies in flight. We will also complete crafts to learn about insect body parts, homes and behaviors. Meets all requirements for the Bugs badge.

Outdoor Art
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Come outside and get inspired by nature at the Butterfly House. Have fun practicing a variety of art genres while earning your Outdoor Art Badge. Make something you can wear, play a dancing game, and practice being a nature photographer.


Junior Programs

sprouting plants
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
We will explore gardens from the tropical rainforest to Missouri native gardens. Learn the importance of healthy soil. Then, we continue by learning about insects and other animals that play important roles in the garden community. Design your own garden based on what you learned by using the tools of a real landscape designer. We will also conduct experiments to learn about necessary growing conditions and plant a mini garden to take home. Meets all requirements for Gardener badge.

Animal Habitat
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Join the biologists at the Butterfly House as we investigate animal habitats and learn where different kinds on animals live on our planet. Then we will take a nature walk to learn about wild animals, and we will learn about the endangered habitat of the North American Monarch butterfly. We will end back in our classroom, where each girl can make a nest for a native, stingless bee. You can put your bee home out in your yard to make your own home a better habitat for wild animals! Meets all requirements for Animal Habitat badge.

Clay medallions
Outdoor Art
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Come outside and get inspired by nature at the Butterfly House. Have fun practicing a variety of art genres while earning your Outdoor Art Badge. Create a clay impression, make a hiking song, be a nature photographer, and design with nature.


Cadette Programs

Outdoor Art
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Come outside with us to engage in fun art explorations using color, music, photography and clay. Listen to an interview with an artist who made art for the Butterfly House, then make your own art inspired by her. Get creative to find ways to recreate natural sounds such as cricket chirps and rainfall. Learn how to capture texture in nature photographs. Think like an architect and design a structure or building in a natural space. You will also get to make a clay sculpture inspired by something you like in nature and take it home!



Cub Scouts

We offer fun, nature-inspired programs for Cub Scouts. Scout packs and dens can explore the wonder of insects at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House. Programs are for Tigers, Bears and Webelos!


Tigers: Stories in Shapes

Bears: Critter Care

Webelos: Into the Wild

Tiger Programs

Tangram Animals
Stories in Shapes
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Engage your imagination and creativity with an exploration of art and nature. Make colorful art with “bleeding” tissue paper that dyes paper when it is wet. Take a walk around the Butterfly House with us and explore the statues, wind catchers and photos that decorate our facility. Then, we will explore shapes and colors in art using Tangrams and puzzle blocks to recreate something we saw on our walk.


Bear Programs

Critter Care
At the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
Learn about the care that insect and arachnid pets need, and how they are different than more familiar pets. Explore, touch and hold various insects. Take a tour of the Butterfly House to see the many different insects we take care of. Learn about the many ways that insects help people in return. Visit with our staff to learn what education is needed to become an insect caretaker. Then, pick an insect you think would be fun to keep as a pet and make a poster about how you would care for it.


Webelo Programs

Into the Wild
Join our naturalists to learn about insects, and all the other animals and plants they interact with. Walk our native garden and Tropical Conservatory to discover an amazing variety of living things. Scouts will meet several living animals, learn about aquatic ecosystems, and each scout will receive an insect zoo to take home! This program completes requirements 1 and 5–9 of the Webelos/AOL Elective Into the Wild. This program goes towards completing the Dr. Charles H. Townsend Supernova award for Webelo scouts.


Pricing and Scheduling


  • $100 per program of 12 Scouts and 4 adult chaperones
  • Additional Scouts allowed up to a maximum of 20 (No siblings please, even if you have less than 20 scouts in your group. These program are designed for one on one interactions in order to provide the best experience for your scouts. They may explore during the program and meet up with the group at its conclusion. Thank you for your understanding!)
  • Maximum number of chaperones: 10
  • Additional Scouts are $8.50 per Scout, and additional chaperones are $8 per adult.


  • Daisy program length is 1 hour.
  • Brownie, Junior, Cadette and Cub Scout program length is 1½ hour.
  • Programs are offered February–December on Saturdays and Sundays, during the following time slots: 9:30–11 a.m., noon–1:30 p.m., 2:30–4 p.m.


  • Register for Girl Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack/Den programs at the Butterfly House by calling (314) 577-0888 x 2.

Questions? If you need additional assistance contact the Butterfly House at (314) 577-0888 x 2 or email



Scout Programs at Other Locations

Check out our scout programs at the Missouri Botanical Garden and Shaw Nature Reserve!
Learn more

Brownies in Kemper Gardens at MBG

Bridging Ceremonies

Girl Scout on bridge

Celebrate your troop’s accomplishments and hold your Scout bridging ceremony at the area’s most beautiful locations!

Learn at Our Other Sites

Check out school programs at the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Shaw Nature Reserve!

Or if you're looking for an opportunity for in-depth field study with your students, consider Litzsinger Road Ecology Center, managed by the Missouri Botanical Garden.