Shaw Nature Reserve actively promotes landscaping with native plants and the creation of native habitat areas. From planting a prairie to restoring a wetland, the Reserve can provide landscaping information. Individuals can learn more about landscaping at Native Plant School. Native plants and seeds are also available for sale at specific times during the year. Community outreach such as prairie plantings along the highways are on-going activities.

Bench in rock garden

Native Plant School

Native Plant School logoNative Plant School is a year-round series of classes taught by the horticulture staff at Shaw Nature Reserve and covers various aspects of native landscaping. Native Plant School webinars are supported by the Missouri Department of Conservation and the St. Louis Wild Ones Chapter.

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Native Landscaping Manual

Chapter 1 cover Chapter 2 cover Chapter 3 cover Chapter 4 cover

Check out our guide to native landscaping in Missouri—including information on reconstructing prairies, rain gardens and stormwater management, identification and control of invasive species, and landscaping with native plants.
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Whitmire Wildflower Garden

Woods in springThe Whitmire Wildflower Garden is a place for year-round walking and for appreciating and learning about nature and natural landscaping.

Garden paths take you through five plant community areas (woodland, wetland, glade, savanna and prairie) and a home gardening area which includes a native perennial garden, rock garden, prairie garden, water garden, woodland garden and rain garden. Over 800 Missouri native plant species are on display.
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Woodland restorationYou can improve water quality and reduce runoff pollution with some simple, sustainable landscaping practices.
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Partners for Native Landscaping

Follow up info from the Partners for Native Landscaping Workshop for Homeowners at Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center on February 23, 2013.

  • Native landscaping for wildlife and people: How to use native midwestern plants to beautify your property and benefit wildlife by Dave Tylka
  • Tried & True Missouri Native Plants For Your Yard by Barbara Fairchild
  • Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Douglas W. Tallamy