Child looking in pond

Shaw Wildflower Markets

Shoppers at a saleFall and Spring Wildflower Markets at Shaw Nature Reserve are geared for new and experienced gardeners and people looking for locally made products for a greener community, including local wildflowers, wine, bread, meats, cheese, art, beer, produce and more.

Wildflower markets occur in September and May. A wide selection of Missouri native plants including trees and ferns are available.
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Why Use Native Plants?

Gardening with native plants may soon become the norm rather than the exception in Missouri. The benefits of native landscaping are fueling a gardening movement that says “no” to pesticides and fertilizers and “yes” to biodiversity and creating more sustainable landscapes. Novice and professional gardeners are turning to native landscaping to manage storm water, reduce maintenance and promote plant and wildlife conservation.

For Stormwater Management
Rain gardens, bioretention and wetland detention basins are a few best management practices in use. They slow down and absorb rain water, thus reducing the quantity and velocity of storm water runoff while improving water quality.

For Less Maintenance
Compared with lawns and mulched tree, shrub and perennial plantings, landscapes planted with appropriate native plants require less maintenance. They require minimal watering (except during establishment and drought periods) and they need no chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Characteristics of native plants that reduce maintenance include:

  • Longevity: plants that live for many decades
  • Three to four-season interest: plants that are appealing most of the year
  • Variable conditions: plants that tolerate a wide range of light and moisture conditions
  • Small and compact: plants that are in scale with a given space
  • Weed elimination: plants that grow into dense groupings and eliminate weeds
  • Seediness: plants that do not spread readily from seed

To Create Wildlife Habitat
A native plant garden with a diversity of trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses provides food and shelter for insects, birds, amphibians and mammals throughout the growing season. Leaving seed heads and plant structure throughout winter provides continuing food and shelter for many creatures and provides opportunities to observe nature up close.

For Resistance to Deer Browse
Deer are adaptable and eat a wide variety of plants. Fortunately there are many native plants that deer avoid. Deer rely on their sense of smell to determine whether an area is safe and which plants are desirable to eat. For instance, plants with aromatic foliage such as wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) and round-leaved groundsel (Senecio obovatus) deter deer. Some plants repel deer because of their coarse, rough, hairy or spiny textures. This group includes rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) and prickly pear cactus (Opuntia humifusa). A deer-resistant garden includes a high percentage of these types of plants.

Educational Opportunities
Native plant gardens present endless opportunities for learning about seasonal cycles, wildlife, and plant life cycles. Quiet spaces outside can be used for art and reading classes. Environmental and conservation topics are taught best outdoors.

For a Sense of Place
People who have lived in one place for a time develop images of their home that create a sense of belonging and familiarity. Those who have lived in rural Missouri know about flowering dogwood. For instance, its blossoms and berries have made their mark in the hearts and thoughts of so many Missouri residents that it is the state tree. Many people have recognized this heart-felt connection with nature, and it often is referred to as “sense of place”.

For Beautification
Wildflowers, flowering vines, shrubs and trees offer a wide range of colors, textures and forms to create dynamic seasonal displays. Grasses and sedges have interesting flowers and seed heads and yellow–orange fall color. Shrubs and trees have fall color and berries that persist into the winter. Choosing a wide assortment of plants ensures seasonal interest, with the bonus of attracting colorful birds, butterflies and insects.

Whitmire Wildflower Garden

The Whitmire Wildflower Garden is a place for year-round walking and for appreciating and learning about nature and natural landscaping. 

Garden paths take you through five plant community areas (woodland, wetland, glade, savanna and prairie) and a home gardening area which includes a native perennial garden, rock garden, prairie garden, water garden, woodland garden and rain garden. Over 500 Missouri native plant species are on display.

The Whitmire Wildflower Garden
Maps of the Garden

Native Plant School

Native Plant School is a year-round series of mostly outdoor learning sessions in the Whitmire Wildflower Garden at Shaw Nature Reserve. They will cover various aspects of native home landscaping.

Please bring your questions, comments, photos, drawings, plant specimens, etc. for these three-hour discussion sessions. Staff and guest experts will lead the discussions, hands-on tours and demonstrations. Participation from the audience is encouraged.

Native Plant School