Panicle hydrangeas heavy blooms often cause the plant to flop (Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora')
Petunia blooms (Petunia 'KLEPH15313' HEADLINER NIGHT SKY)
Butterfly bush blooms (Buddleja 'Pink Microchip')
Hardy Hibiscus blooms (Hibiscus moscheutos SUMMER SPICE BLEU BRULEE)
Ripening fruits of Baby Cakes blackberry (Rubus 'APF-236T' BUSHEL AND BERRY BABY CAKES)
Bladder-gall on silver maple caused by an eriophyid mite (Acari), begins as small, green, wart-like growths that later turn blood-red
Tobacco hornworm (Lepidoptera) eaten alive by parasitic braconid wasps (Hymenoptera) in the white cocoons on its back
In a lawn of mixed grasses some are less heat tolerant resulting in patches of dead or thinning grass
Spots on tomato leaf (Lycopersicon) caused by septoria leaf spot
Dark, sunken, leathery patches on the blossom-end of tomato fruit (Lycopersicon) typical of blossom-end rot
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