Native Plant School: Invasive Plant ID and Control

November 14, 2019
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Shaw Nature Reserve > Carriage House
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For adults. Native Plant School is a year-round series of indooroutdoor classes in the Whitmire Wildflower Garden at Shaw Nature Reserve that covers various aspects of native landscaping. Please bring your questions, comments, drawings, and plant specimens. Participation from the audience is encouraged. Price per class. Native Plant School at Shaw Nature Reserve is underwritten by the Missouri Department of Conservation and Wild Ones Natural Landscapers. Designed for adults only.

Invasive plants like bush honeysuckle, burning bush and wintercreeper are a threat to native ecosystems and landscapes because they compete with native plants for light, nutrients and moisture. Many natural and landscaped areas are severely infested with invasive plant species due to decades of neglect. Control methods described in this class are designed for both homeowners and large landowners who are having problems with invasive plants.


$14 Garden Members

$17 General public