Celebrating Winners of the Eighth Annual St. Louis Green Business Challenge and Launching Challenge 2018!

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The St. Louis Green Business Challenge completed an eighth year of work with companies across the bi-state region to advance sustainability as a business solution, at an awards celebration held Friday, December 8 in the Redbird Club of Busch Stadium.

Awards were presented to 63 businesses and local government entities,  recognized for their work this year to integrate sustainable policies and practices into their operations. Nine of this year’s participants were honored with Awards of Merit, recognizing top performance in the 2017 Challenge. The Merit honorees are:

Challenge Leader Level – Building Tenants
·       U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation – 1st place                                  
·       Bunge North America – 2nd place
·       Trane-Ingersoll Rand – 3rd place
Challenge Leader Level – Building Owners
·       Monsanto – 1st place
·       Hunter Engineering – 2nd place
·       World Wide Technology – 3rd place
Challenge Champion Level
·       Missouri History Museum – 1st place
·       Webster University – 2nd place
·       UniGroup, Inc. – 3rd place
The St. Louis Green Business Challenge supports companies and local government entities’ voluntary efforts to conserve energy and water, reduce waste through recycling and other practices, advance sustainable transportation options, enhance biodiversity on company property, and educate and engage employees around sustainable thinking and practice. Companies use program tools including point-based scorecards to guide strategic implementation of green measures. Customized coaching supports each participant to identify and implement measures in accord with their unique company goals and culture. Program services support participants in evaluating and acting on sustainability options in ways that optimize cost-effectiveness and efficiency in conjunction with environmental outcomes. Since its inception in 2010, nearly 200 companies have “Taken the Challenge,” representing over 150,000 employees actively engaged with sustainability information and practices.
Challenge 2018 launches with new and continued support.
Registration opened March 1 for Challenge 2018. Companies can register for every participation level through March 30. Click here to register for the 2018 Challenge.

New and returning participants are invited to attend the 2018 Challenge Kickoff Seminar on Thursday, March 22, 7:30-9:30 a.m., at the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. Presentations companies representing every level of the program will include our hosts, the Missouri Historical Society, which won top honors in the 2017 Challenge. Click here to register for the Kickoff Seminar.
Check stlouisgreenchallenge.com, sign up for our monthly eNewsletter, or email jean.ponzi@mobot.org for registration, updates and more information about the 2018 Challenge year. 

Thanks to Graybar, returning as the program’s Presenting Sponsor. The Challenge team welcomes our new Research Partner, Bi-State Development Research Institute. We also salute the St. Louis Regional Chamber, as this organization moves into a sponsorship role, continuing strong program support that founded the Challenge in 2010 and has provided Challenge services in partnership with the Garden through 2017. Click here for more 2018 Challenge details, and to review program levels and services. 

Last year, the Garden was in the top five for advancing sustainability within our operations and programs.
Highlighted accomplishments included upgrades to the historic Herring House incorporating a ground source heat pump, three geothermal wells, LED lighting, efficient windows, and improved insulation; the Garden being honored with the prestigious Operational Sustainability Award in June by the American Public Gardens Association; marking seven years of 90%+ waste diversion from our public events as well as our continued leadership in the launch of the World Flora Online. Click here to view the Accomplishments and Innovations Challenge Companies made in 2017 (the Garden is featured on page 40).

Staff from several Garden divisions ranging from Maintenance and Facility Support to Sustainability and Communications joined in the annual Green Business Challenge awards on December 8 in the Redbird Club at Busch Stadium.  


Pictured left to right are just a few of the many Garden staff that make sustainability a priority every day: Andrew Smith, St. Louis Regional Chamber, Brian Micklewright and Paul Brockmann (first row). Pat Scott, Rob Kennedy, Lisa Lewis, Emily Andrews, Joyce Gorrell, John Biggs, A.J. Kirk, Jean Ponzi, and Glenda Abney (second row).

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