Sitting on 2,400 acres, the grounds of the Shaw Nature Reserve are an unparalleled classroom. From gardening practices to nature study and everything in between—Shaw Nature Reserve offers a full range of learning opportunities. Classes, tours and programs are offered year-round.

We have many classes available year round to teach you about plants, animals, our trails, and outdoor skills here at the Shaw Nature Reserve. Go to online registration!

Also be sure to check out upcoming adult classes and programs at the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Butterfly House.

Class themes include:

Woman painting
Arts & Crafts
Plein Air Painting, nature journaling, plant printing, and much more.

Tai ChiHealth & Wellness
Hiking, strolls, yoga, Forest Bathing and much more.

SpiderwortNature Study
Wildflower walks, birding, ecology and many more.


Registration Now Open for Spring Classes!

Register online (Note: If you are a member, log in to receive member pricing.)
View our downloadable catalog: Spring 2025 

We look forward to seeing you in a class soon!

Scheduling & Cancellation

Woman practicing archeryImportant: All groups—whether led by a Nature Reserve Instructor or self-guided—must make reservations for their visit.

We have many classes available year round to teach you about plants, animals, our trails, and outdoor skills here at the Shaw Nature Reserve. Go to online registration!

For information on cancellations/refunds please read our cancellation policy.

To register for a class, cancel your reservation, or if you have any questions, please contact Rachel Weller, Public Programs, at (314) 577-9526 or