$35.00 each person / each day Each salon includes panel discussion, exhibitors, tours, food and drinks, time for networking, and 2.5 CEU’s Check Only - Please pay in advance
Shaw Salon Series
Check Only - Please pay in advance. Your registration fee will be used to pay for catering. If you want to cancel your registration please inform us before the registration deadline. Registration is a commitment to pay.
Send payment to: Shaw Series registration Shaw Nature Reserve PO Box 38 Gray Summit, MO 63039 checks can be made out to SNR
Registration confirmation will be emailed to you if you submitted your email address.
Thank you for registering online for the The Shaw Professional Landscape Series.
For more information about the Shaw Series, contact Shaw Nature Reserve at 636-451-3512 ext. 6078 or email besa.schweitzer@mobot.org.
Individuals or Businesses may bring advertising handouts to make available to participants.