MSD Project Clear Clean Water Education

A free stormwater education program for St. Louis City and County schools within MSD Project Clear service area

The health of our nearby rivers, creeks, and streams is an ever increasing challenge in our community—and it takes all of us to help! Reducing stormwater runoff and other best management practices can help protect our local waterways. The field of stormwater management is becoming more vital to our livelihoods, and future engineers and other professionals in STEM fields are needed to continue progress. The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) Clean Water Education program provides educators throughout the MSD service area with educational resources to help bring this topic to life in the classroom through hands-on demonstrations, action projects, and more.

Bring this topic to life in your classroom through the MSD Project Clear Clean Water Education program today!

For questions or to learn more, contact us at or (314) 577-0281

In addition, we offer clean water professional development workshops to teachers and other educators. Learn more

Watershed Models in the Classroom

Students around EnviroScapeThe EnviroScape is a visual, hands-on tool that demonstrates how water pollution results from everyday activities. Through this demonstration students will learn how everyone in their community can reduce non-point source pollution and have healthier watersheds.

  • Reservation is FREE
  • EarthWays will drop off and pick up model
  • Staff will provide FREE training and teaching aids on how to use the model with your class

Storm Draining Marking Projects

Students marking a storm drainWe provide all the tools and equipment your group needs to help put knowledge into action. MSD's Storm Draining Marker Program provides a visible reminder of the consequences of improper waste disposal, and helps communicate to the community that storm drains can carry pollution to area rivers and streams. Great for school projects, scouts, and community groups!

  • Participation is FREE
  • We provide you with all the needed supplies
  • Students build skills in community activity, using maps, recording data and using GIS software

MSD Project Clear logo

The MSD Project Clear Clean Water Program is a program of the Missouri Botanical Garden with support from Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District