Plants for Full Sun
Achillea 'Coronation Gold'
'Coronation Gold' is noted for its deeply-dissected, fern-like, aromatic, silvery to gray-green foliage. Its long-lasting, bright yellow flowers appear throughout the summer on stiff, erect stems typically rising 2-3' tall. |
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly weed
Butterfly weed is a Missouri native that typically grows in a clump 1-3' tall and features clusters of bright orange to yellow-orange flowers from late spring throughout the summer. Flowers are a nectar source for many butterflies, and leaves are a food source for monarch butterfly larvae (caterpillars).
Boltonia asteroides var. latisquama 'Snowbank'
False aster
This boltonia cultivar is noted for its compact habit (typically grows 3-4' tall), its grayish-green leaves and its tiny, pure white, 3/4" daisies which cover this aster-like plant with a profuse bloom from late summer to early autumn. |
Callirhoe involucrata
Purple poppy mallow
Purple poppy mallow is a mat-forming Missouri native which typically forms a low foliage mound from 6-9" tall and 3' wide. Solitary, upward facing, cup-shaped, poppy-like, magenta flowers (to 2.5" wide) continuously appear on thin stems above the foliage from mid-spring to fall. |
Dianthus 'Feuerhexe' FIREWITCH
Cheddar pink
This mat-forming cheddar pink produces a blanket of fragrant, scented, bright magenta flowers (to 6" tall) arising from tufted mounds of attractive grassy, deep blue foliage. Blooms in spring with some intermittent repeat bloom in summer.
Eryngium yuccifolium
Rattlesnake-master features bristly-edged, sword-shaped leaves (to 3' long) and tiny greenish-white flowers tightly packed into globular 1" diameter heads resembling thistles. Flower heads appear in clusters typically rising to 3-4' (less frequently to 5-6') tall. Common name is in reference to a former use of this plant as a treatment for rattlesnake bite.
Gaura lindheimeri
Gaura is a clump-forming perennial that can grow 5' tall. Pinkish buds open to white flowers that slowly fade to pink. Flowers open only a few at a time. Narrow, lance-shaped, stemless leaves (1-3" long) are occasionally spotted with maroon.
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Glandularia canadensis
This Missouri native is commonly called rose verbena, clump verbena or rose vervain. It grows to 6-18” tall and can form an attractive ground cover. Flat-topped clusters of rose-pink to rose-purple flowers appear late spring to late summer.
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Goniolimon tataricum
The flowers of this species of statice (also commonly called German statice, Tatarian statice or Tatarian sea-lavender) are attractive both fresh cut (often used as filler) and dried. Flower stalks appear in summer and rise 12-18” tall bearing miniature tubular flowers that look white from a distance. Salt tolerant.
Gypsophila paniculata 'Bristol Fairy'
Baby's breath
Sprays of baby's breath are frequently used as filler in bouquets and floral arrangements. This cultivar is a diffusely branched, mound-forming plant that features numerous, long-lasting, double white flowers (1/4" wide) in open, airy panicles in summer. Lance-shaped foliage is somewhat sparse.
Helianthus salicifolius
Willow-leaved sunflower
Willow-leaved sunflower is a Missouri native plant that features clusters of 2-2.5" wide sunflowers with bright yellow rays and dark brown center disks from late summer to fall. It has narrow, drooping, willow-like leaves (5-7") and grows 5-6' (less frequently to 8') tall.
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Sommersonne' SUMMER SUN
Ox eye
This ox eye daisy cultivar is a compact, clump-forming, upright perennial which typically grows 2-3' tall and features single to double, daisy-like flowers (2-3" diameter) with golden yellow rays and deep orange-yellow center disks from summer to early fall. Good fresh cut flower.
Hylotelephium 'Herbstfreude' AUTUMN JOY
A clump-forming perennial that features masses of tiny, star-like flowers which emerge pink, gradually change to deep rose-red and then coppery-rust in autumn. Flowers appear in large, 3-6", flattened heads atop stems of grayish-green succulent-like leaves growing typically to 2' tall. Attractive to butterflies. Foliage and dead flowers persist well into the winter providing additional interest.
Iberis sempervirens
Evergreen candytuft is a low-growing, spreading, woody-based perennial which typically forms a foliage mound 6-12" tall and spreading to 18" wide. It is evergreen in warm winter climates and semi-evergreen elsewhere. Small, pure white flowers in dense, flattened clusters appear in early-to-late spring, often totally obscuring the attractive dark green, leathery foliage. |
Knautia macedonica
Knautia is an upright, clump-forming, somewhat short-lived perennial which typically grows 1.5-2' tall. It features deep purplish-red, domed flower heads (to 1.5" across) atop slender, branching stems and deep green leaves. Long early summer to fall bloom period. Good fresh cut or dried flower. |
Leucanthemum × superbum 'Snow Lady'
Shasta daisy
This Shasta daisy cultivar is a compact, dwarf plant which typically grows 12" tall and features 2.5" diameter flower heads with the classic white rays and yellow center disks. Does not require staking. Blooms most of the summer. Excellent and long-lasting fresh cut flower. This cultivar is a 1991 All-America award winner. |
Liatris aspera
Blazing star
This blazing star is an upright, clump-forming Missouri native which typically grows 2-3' tall (less frequently to 5') and which features rounded, fluffy, deep rose-purple flower heads (each 3/4" across). Good cut flower for floral arrangements. Blooms late summer to fall. |
Lychnis coronaria
Rose campion
Rose campion has woolly, silver-gray leaves (to 5" long) and vivid rose magenta flowers (to 1" diameter). Blooms profusely on smaller-leafed, gray stems rising 2-3' tall late spring to early summer.
Oenothera macrocarpa
Missouri evening primrose
Missouri evening primrose is a sprawling Missouri native. It typically grows 6-12" tall and features very large (3-5" across), mildly fragrant, bright yellow flowers which open for only one day (usually open late afternoon and remain open until the following morning). Flowers are generally upward-facing, but sometimes rest on or touch the ground. Long spring to summer bloom period. |
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Russian sage
Russian sage is a woody-based perennial of the mint family which typically grows 2-4' (less frequently to 5') tall and features attractive finely-dissected gray-green leaves and whorls of light blue flowers. Long summer bloom period. Perennial Plant Association Plant of the Year (1995). |
Ratibida pinnata
Grey-head coneflower
This coneflower is a Missouri native plant that grows 3-5' tall and features a dull-gray central disk in the shape of an elongated cylinder (1 inch long), somewhat resembling the crown of a slender sombrero. Attached to the bottom of the disk is a brim of 3-7, extremely reflexed (downward pointing), bright yellow ray flowers (to 3" long). Long summer bloom period.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'
Black-eyed Susan
The species is a common Missouri native wildflower with daisy-like flowers. ‘Indian Summer’ blooms throughout the summer producing huge flowerheads (6-9” diameter) with bright yellow to orange-yellow rays and domed, dark chocolate-brown center disks that add bold, stunning color to borders.
Salvia azurea var. grandiflora
Blue sage
Blue sage is a Missouri native perennial which typically grows 3-5' tall and features whorls of azure blue flowers in upright spikes from summer to fall. A mint family member that is attractive to bees and butterflies.
Saponaria × lempergii 'Max Frei'
This soapwort hybrid is a compact perennial typically growing 9-15" tall with trailing stems of soft, blue-green, oval leaves. Clusters of pink flowers (1 inch wide) cover the plant in summer. Common name refers to the fact that most plants of the genus can be boiled in water to produce a soap-like lather which purportedly can be used to wash clothing.
Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue'
Pincushion flower
This pincushion flower cultivar is a compact, clump-forming perennial which typically grows only 12-15" tall. Long and profuse bloom from late April until frost. Blooms almost all year in mild winter climates. Flowers (2" diameter) feature an outer ring of frilly, flat, lavender-blue petals and a paler domed center cushion with protruding stamens (resembling pins in a pincushion). |
Sedum kamtschaticum var. ellacombeanum
Orange stonecrop
This stonecrop features fleshy, succulent-like pale green leaves (to 1.5" long) which form a loose, open mat about 4" off the ground. Foliage turns varying shades of red in autumn and can be attractive. Clusters of star-shaped yellow flowers (to 1/2" wide) appear in late spring on arching stems rising above the foliage to 6" tall.
Silphium laciniatum
Compass plant
Compass plant is a Missouri native perennial which grows to 9' tall and features sunflower-like flowers (to 5" wide) with yellow rays and yellow center disks in summer. Very large basal leaves (to 18" long) are reminiscent of pin oak leaves and usually orient themselves on a north-south axis giving rise to the common name. Cut stems exude a gummy, fragrant-but-bitter resin which was used by Native Americans as a mouth-cleansing chewing gum. |
Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece'
This compact, spreading goldenrod features tiny, bright yellow flowers borne in dense plumes 15-18" tall in late summer to fall. Rosettes of heart-shaped foliage form an attractive, low-growing, dark green ground cover. Goldenrods have been wrongly accused of causing hay fever, which is actually an allergic reaction caused by wind-borne pollen from other plants such as ragweed. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Good cut flower.
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'
New England aster
This dwarf cultivar typically grows 18-24" tall and up to 3' wide with a low, bushy habit. Features a profuse bloom of dark purple flowers (to 1.5" across) which can entirely cover the plant with bloom from mid-August until early October. No staking is required. Attractive to butterflies. |
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Aromatic aster
Aromatic aster is a Missouri native that typically grows 1-2' (infrequently to 3') tall and features small, daisy-like flowers (1" across) with violet blue rays and yellow center disks from August to September. Blue-green leaves (to 4" long) are, as the common name suggests, fragrant when crushed. Good cut flower. Attractive to butterflies. |
Talinum calycinum
Fame flower (also sometimes called rock pink) is a Missouri native perennial often found growing in large colonies in the wild. It features pink to red flowers growing to 8" tall with sparse, very narrow, succulent-type leaves (to 2" long). Flowers typically open at noon and remain open only until mid-afternoon. |
Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum'
'Aureum', commonly called golden feverfew or golden feather, is a clump-forming dwarf cultivar which typically grows only 8-12" tall and features small daisy-like flowers over a long summer bloom and chartreuse aromatic foliage that turns mostly green by mid-summer. Foliage has a feathery, fern-like appearance and is pungently fragrant when bruised or crushed. Species has been used in the past in the treatment of a variety of medical problems including toothache, arthritis, headaches and, of course, fever. |
Verbascum chaixii
Nettle-leaved mullein
This narrow-leaved mullein species is a somewhat short-lived perennial which forms a large basal rosette (8-12" wide) of woolly, grayish-green leaves (3-6" long) from which rise spire-like stems (2-3" tall) with yellow flowers (1 inch diameter) with purplish stamens. Blooms in late spring to early summer. |
Verbena hastata
American blue vervain
Blue vervain is a Missouri native perennial which typically grows 2-4' tall (less frequently to 6') and features pencil-like spikes (2-6" long) of tiny, densely-packed, purplish-blue flowers (1/8" wide) from July-September. Flowers on each spike bloom bottom to top, only a few at a time. |
Vernonia baldwinii
Western ironweed
Western ironweed (sometimes called Baldwin's ironweed) is native to Missouri. It typically grows 3-4' (infrequently to 5') tall and has flowers with fluffy, purple disks (rays absent) that give way to rusty seed clusters. Flowers, which appear from late summer to fall, are very attractive to butterflies. |
Veronica longifolia 'Blauriesin' BLUE GIANTESS
Long leaf speedwell
This long leaf speedwell cultivar is a tall, upright, clump-forming perennial which features dense spikes of tiny, lavender-blue flowers which bloom from May to July. Flower spikes typically rise 3-4' tall. Lance-shaped, light to grayish-green leaves. Good cut flower.
Veronica spicata 'Glory' ROYAL CANDLES
Spiked speedwell
ROYAL CANDLES is an erect, bushy, clump-forming, compact spiked speedwell cultivar which typically grows to only 10-12" tall. Leafy foliage stems typically rise to only 3" tall but are topped with dense, vertical deep blue-purple flower spikes (to 12" long) which bloom in late spring to mid-summer.
Veronicastrum virginicum
Culver's root
Culver's root is a large, erect, Missouri native perennial which typically reaches 3-7' tall when in bloom. Dense, slender, 9" long spikes of tiny, tube-like, white to pale blue flowers open from the top down in late spring to early summer. Bloom can extend well into the summer. Smaller lateral flower spikes give the plant a candelabra-like effect when in full bloom. |
Plants for Full Sun to Part Shade
Adenophora liliifolia
Ladybells, sometimes commonly called false campanula, typically grow 1.5 to 2' tall and feature erect stems which are topped in late spring with fragrant bell-shaped, lilac blue to pale blue flowers (to 3/4" long). |
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Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise'
Giant hyssop
This giant hyssop hybrid is an erect, clump-forming perennial which features pale golden-orange flowers (to 1.5" long) in spikes atop stiff stems growing to 4' tall. Mint/anise scented gray-green leaves can be used to flavor cold drinks and teas.
Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant'
This bugleweed cultivar is a dense, rapidly spreading ground cover which features low rosettes of large, bronze-green foliage and whorls of blue flowers on spikes up to 8" tall. Flowers appear in April-May. Does very well in shady areas where grass will not grow, but can spread aggressively. Dense foliage will choke out weeds but is not particularly tolerant of foot traffic.
Anemone hupehensis
Japanese anemone
This late summer blooming Japanese anemone is a native of China that grows up to 2' tall and features 2-3" diameter, slightly-cupped flowers which have rose-pink, sepal-like petals and a prominent center ring of yellow stamens. Flowers are borne on branching stems above dark green foliage.
Anemone × hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'
'Honorine Jobert' is a vigorous, compact Japanese anemone hybrid cultivar which typically grows to 3-4' tall and spreads by creeping rhizomes. Single flowers (2-3" diameter) with white sepals and yellow center stamens appear on long, wiry-but-graceful stems over an attractive foliage mound of dark green leaves. Lengthy August to September bloom period.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Plumbago (also commonly called leadwort) is a wiry, mat-forming perennial which spreads to form an attractive ground cover. Typically grows 6-10" tall. Shiny, medium green leaves (to 2" long) turn bronze-red in autumn. Gentian blue flowers (1/2 to 3/4" diameter) appear above the foliage over a long summer to frost bloom period. |
Echinacea purpurea
Purple coneflower
Purple coneflower is a Missouri native, typically growing to 3' tall (less frequently to 5') which features large, daisy-like flowers with slightly drooping, rose purple petals and large, coppery-orange central cones. The best flower display is late June to late July, with sporadic bloom continuing into autumn. Good fresh cut or dried flower. Flower heads that are not removed in winter are often visited by goldfinches who feed on the seeds.
Eutrochium purpureum
Joe Pye weed
Joe Pye weed is a tall Missouri native clump-forming perennial which typically grows 4-7’ tall and features dark green leaves (to 12” long) with purplish leaf nodes. Tiny, vanilla-scented, dull pinkish-purple flowers in large domed flower clusters bloom mid-summer to early fall. Flowers are very attractive to butterflies. |
Geranium 'Gerwat' ROZANNE
ROZANNE is a clump-forming geranium that typically grows in a mound to 20” tall by 24” wide. It is noted for its almost non-stop flowering throughout the growing season. Large, 5-petaled, violet-blue flowers (to 2.5” diameter) with purple-violet veins and small white centers bloom profusely from late spring to early summer, generally with continued flowering to fall in the St. Louis area. |
Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
'Happy Returns' is a repeat-blooming cultivar which features 3.5" diameter, ruffled, lemon yellow flowers typically rising to 18" tall above a clump of arching, linear, blade-like leaves. Individual flowers open for one day. Mildly fragrant. Blooms in June with a good repeat bloom until frost. Fountain-like leaves provide elegant foliage, color and texture for the garden when flowers are not in bloom.
× Heucherella 'Dayglow Pink'
Foamy bells
Though the flowers are attractive, heucherellas are usually grown for their attractive foliage. It is a clump-forming perennial that is noted for its mauve-pink flowers and for its deeply lobed (maple-like) green leaves with chocolate brown veining. It typically forms a compact, mound of foliage that rises 5-8” tall. Foliage will usually retain some color in cold winter climates such as the St. Louis area. Tiny, star-shaped, mauve-pink flowers appear in airy to dense panicles rising well above the foliage clump (typically to 15-20” tall) in late spring to mid-summer. |
Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star'
‘Blue Star’ is a clump-forming perennial that is noted for its long summer bloom of daisy-like flowers (1” diameter) featuring light blue rays and yellow centers. The flowers are very similar in appearance to those of aster and boltonia. Plants typically grow to 12-18” tall.
Linum perenne
Perennial flax
Perennial flax is a short-lived, tufted perennial which typically grows 1-2' tall and features 5-petaled, sky blue flowers which open for only one day. A profuse bloomer for a period of up to 8 weeks in late spring. Flowers open early on sunny mornings, but petals usually drop by late afternoon. Flax looks best when planted in masses. |
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal flower
Cardinal flower is a Missouri native perennial which typically grows in moist locations. A somewhat short-lived, clump-forming perennial which features erect spikes of large, cardinal red flowers rising typically to a height of 2-3' (infrequently to 4'). Late summer bloom period. Flowers are very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds, but not cardinals. White and rose colored forms are also known. |
Lobelia siphilitica
Blue cardinal flower
Blue cardinal flower is a Missouri native perennial which typically grows in moist to wet locations. A clump-forming perennial which features light to dark blue, tubular flowers typically rising 2-3' tall. Late summer bloom period. Also sometimes commonly called great lobelia.
Mazus reptans
Mazus is a low-growing ground cover which tolerates foot traffic and typically grows only to 2" tall. It spreads by creeping stems which root at the nodes as they go. Features narrow, bright green leaves (to 1" long) that form a dense, attractive carpet of foliage which remains green throughout the growing season and well into the fall. Foliage is evergreen in warm winter climates. Tiny, purplish-blue flowers with yellow and white markings appear in small clusters in late spring to early summer.
Monarda bradburiana
Eastern beebalm
This beebalm species is a common Missouri native clump-forming, mint family member that grows typically to 1-2' tall. Tubular pinkish to whitish, purple-spotted flowers. Each flower head rests upon a whorl of showy, purplish-tinged, leafy bracts. Flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. The toothed, aromatic, oblong, grayish-green leaves (to 4") may be used in teas. Long summer bloom period.
Myosotis scorpioides 'Semperflorens'
This dwarf forget-me-not grows to 6-8” tall. Light sky blue flowers (1/4” diameter) with yellow centers bloom from May to August and sporadically thereafter to frost. Shiny, oblong to lance-shaped leaves (to 4” long) are bright green. Reseeds. |
Nepeta racemosa 'Blue Wonder'
'Blue Wonder' is a dwarf, mounding perennial growing to 12" tall. Features small, abundant dark blue flowers atop leafy stems with aromatic, gray-green foliage. Blooms in spring with almost continuous rebloom into fall under optimum growing conditions and proper shearing of spent flower spikes.
Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail'
Mountain fleece
This mountain fleece cultivar is an upright perennial which forms large, dense, slowly spreading clumps, typically 3-4' tall. Features dense, bottle-brush-like, erect flower spikes (to 6" long) of tiny, crimson flowers over an extremely long bloom period of early summer to fall (sometimes to first frost) and large, stem-clasping, dark green leaves. This cultivar is not too aggressive but still needs lots of space.
Phlox maculata
Wild sweet William
Wild sweet William (also called meadow phlox) is an upright, clump-forming perennial which typically grows 2-3' tall. Sweetly-aromatic pinkish-purple flowers (to 1/2" across) are densely arranged in large, cylindrical, terminal clusters. Flowers bloom in summer. Good fresh cut flower. Attractive to butterflies, birds and hummingbirds.
Phlox paniculata 'Robert Poore'
Garden phlox
'Robert Poore' is a garden phlox cultivar that typically grows in an upright clump to 3-4' tall. Fragrant flowers are violet-pink and are densely arranged in large, pyramidal clusters (panicles to 6-12" long) in summer atop which seldom need staking. Long mid to late summer bloom sometimes extends into early fall. Good fresh cut flower. Regardless of flower color, garden phlox is attractive to hummingbirds and is a good selection for inclusion in a bird garden. |
Platycodon grandiflorus
Balloon flower
Balloon flower is a clump-forming perennial that is so named because its flower buds puff up like balloons before bursting open into outward-to-upward-facing, bell-shaped flowers. Purple-blue flowers (to 2-3” across) bloom throughout summer, singly or in small clusters, typically growing to 30” tall.
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Slender mountain mint
This slender mountain mint grows 2-3' tall and features extremely narrow, almost needle-like leaves and profuse clusters of small, white flowers which bloom in mid to late summer. All parts of the plant emit a strong, mint-like aroma when crushed. Pycnanthemums have been used in teas.
Scutellaria incana
Skullcap is a Missouri native wildflower that grows to 3' tall. Small, purplish blue flowers (typical mint family) appear in summer. Skullcap refers to the skull (or helmet-shaped) calyx of the flower. |
Thalictrum rochebruneanum
Meadow rue
This species of meadow rue is a slender, clump-forming perennial which features lacy, fine-textured, bluish-green foliage. Tiny lavender-purple flowers with contrasting yellow stamens appear in late summer (July-September in St. Louis) in loose, airy clusters atop sturdy, purple flower stems which rise well above the foliage to 4-6' tall (infrequently to 8'). When massed, the overall effect of the bloom can be spectacular.
Tradescantia (Andersoniana Group) 'Concord Grape'
This spiderwort hybrid is a compact, clump-forming perennial which typically grows to 12" tall featuring arching, smoky bluish-green leaves and purplish-blue (concord grape flowers accented by contrasting yellow stamens. Numerous flower buds form in each cluster, but individual flowers open up only a few at a time, each for only one day, blooming in succession from May into August.
Plants for Part Shade to Full Shade
Astilbe chinensis var. pumila
Chinese astilbe
Chinese astilbes are clump-forming perennials which feature graceful, fern-like mounds of foliage and tiny flowers densely packed into plume-like flower panicles. The botanical variety pumila is a dwarf plant which features a foliage mound to 6” tall of dark green leaves and thick, stiff panicles of lilac-pink flowers on 9-12” tall stems in early to mid- summer. |
Begonia grandis
Hardy begonia
This is the only species of Begonia that is winter hardy to the St. Louis area. It is a clump-forming perennial that typically forms a bushy mound of foliage to 2’ tall. Large leaves (to 4” long) are medium to olive green above and reddish green with red veining beneath. Male and female pale pink flowers (to 1” across) bloom in pendent clusters from July to early fall. |
Chelone glabra
This species of turtlehead is a clump-forming Missouri native perennial which typically grows 2-3' tall and features hooded, snapdragon-like, white flowers with a tinge of pink in tight, spikes from late summer into autumn. Flowers purportedly resemble turtle heads. |
Dicentra eximia
Bleeding heart
Fringed bleeding heart is a native wildflower with deeply-cut, fern-like, grayish-green foliage which persists throughout the growing season. The pink to purplish red, nodding, heart-shaped flowers are carried above the foliage on long, leafless stems. Protruding inner petals of the flower appear to form a drop of blood at the bottom of each heart-shaped flower (hence the common name of bleeding heart). Plants typically grow to 15" tall. Bloom begins in late spring. In cooler climates, flowering may continue throughout the summer, but in the hotter climates, the flowering will generally stop in hot weather, with a possible rebloom occurring when the weather cools in late summer or early fall. |
Helleborus orientalis
Also called, Lenten rose,this clump-forming perennial typically grows 1-1.5' tall and features large, cup-shaped, rose-like, usually nodding flowers (3-4" diameter). Flower color is extremely variable, ranging from white to pink to light rose-purple, frequently with interior spotting. Leathery, 8-16" wide, glossy, dark green leaves are evergreen in warm climates but deciduous in extremely cold winters. In the St. Louis area, plants will remain evergreen in moderate winters, but may become scorched and tattered in extremely cold weather, particularly if not insulated by snow cover. Blooms in late winter (sometimes when snow is still present) and continues into spring, with a long, 8-10 week bloom period. Leaves, stems and roots are poisonous.
Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona'
Leopard plant
This leopard plant cultivar is an imposing, clump-forming perennial with a mounded habit which is grown as much for its dark colored foliage as for its flowers. Features huge, leathery heart-shaped leaves (up to 1' wide). Petioles, veins, flower stalks and lower leaf surfaces of this cultivar are distinctively reddish-purple. Yellow-orange, daisy-like flowers (2-4" across) appear in summer.
Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum'
Solomon's seal
This Solomon's seal cultivar is a rhizomatous, upright, arching perennial which typically grows in a mound to 1-2' tall . Pairs of small, bell-shaped, white flowers dangle in spring along and underneath the arching stems. Flowers are sweetly fragrant. Young stems are tinged with maroon. Flowers are followed by blue-black berries in autumn. Variegated leaves (to 4" long) are soft green with white tips and margins. Leaves turn an attractive yellow in autumn. |
Stylophorum diphyllum
Celandine poppy
Celandine poppy is a Missouri native wildflower which features 4-petaled, yellow flowers which bloom in spring in small clusters atop stems typically growing 12-18" tall. Blue-green, pinnately lobed foliage is silvery below. Stems contain a bright yellow sap which was formerly used as a dye by Native Americans.
Tricyrtis formosana
Toad lily
Toad lily is perhaps best known for its unique flowers, ability to bloom in shade and late summer to early fall bloom time. Features small, lily-like flowers (1 inch long). Flowers are white with dense deep reddish-purple spotting and yellowish throats. Stems grow upright to 2-3' tall. A rhizomatous plant which will colonize in the garden over time. |