Buxus 'Green Gem'
Broadleaf evergreen
Resists winter bronzing. It's a good evergreen in mixed plant compositions or for a short hedge. |
Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'
Broadleaf evergreen
Adaptable to various sun exposures; tolerates shearing; good foundation plant. |
Ilex x meserveae BLUE PRINCE
blue holly
Broadleaf evergreen
Pollinator for ‘Blue Princess’ holly; purplish stems a good contrast to dark glossy leaves. One male within 400’ for 9-10 plants. |
Ilex x meserveae BLUE PRINCESS
blue holly
Broadleaf evergreen
Attractive red berries against purple stems; winter food for birds. |
Pieris japonica
Japanese pieris
Broadleaf evergreen
Spring blooming; new spring foliage bronze-colored--attractive characteristic; provide some winter protection; match with acid-loving plants. |
Rhododendron 'English Roseum'
Broadleaf evergreen
Good combination with hollies; new spring growth lush, attractive light-green foliage. |
Rhododendron 'Herbert'
evergreen azalea
Broadleaf evergreen
Can tolerate sun; very nice small azaleas to use in combination with Buxus ‘Green Gem’; good city garden azalea. |
Aesculus parviflora
bottlebrush buckeye
Deciduous shrub
Exceptional in mass planting, particularly when in bloom; can colonize an area making it useful for erosion control; one of the nicer fall yellows. |
Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'
Deciduous shrub
Good for low lying areas; good erosion control; brilliant red fall color; persistent fruit attracts late winter birds. |
Betula nigra 'Little King' FOX VALLEY
river birch
Deciduous shrub
Very attractive dark exfoliating bark that exposes lighter bark underneath; works well against dark background plantings. |
Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight'
butterfly bush
Deciduous shrub
One of the best deep purple blooms; as name implies is a butterfly magnet. |
Callicarpa americana
Deciduous shrub
Nice to grow on wall so fruit can be viewed at eye level. |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Deciduous shrub
Good for wet shady area; attractive to butterflies. |
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'
sweet pepperbush
Deciduous shrub
Good compact cultivar; not as open as species; very fragrant; good yellow fall color. |
Cornus sericea 'Cardinal'
red twig dogwood
Deciduous shrub
Remove 2-3 year old stems annually to encourage newer more colorful stems; good to plant with background to show off stems. |
Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Harry Lauder's walking stick
Deciduous shrub
Interesting branch characteristics; good specimen plant. |
Hamamelis vernalis
Ozark witch hazel
Deciduous shrub
Good winter-blooming plant; can be very fragrant; displays interesting fruit. |
Hydrangea quercifolia
oakleaf hydrangea
Deciduous shrub
Large persistent flower heads which are useful in floral arrangements; excellent deep red fall foliage; best characteristic is exfoliating bark that reveals brown inner bark. |
Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy'
Deciduous shrub
Pollinator for Ilex verticillata ‘Nana' RED SPRITE. |
Ilex verticillata 'Nana' RED SPRITE
Deciduous shrub
Best of the red-berried deciduous hollies; birds enjoy this plant for late winter fruit; good for wet conditions. |
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Virginia sweetspire
Deciduous shrub
Good for low, wet area; graceful arching habit; one of the best deep red fall colors. |
Nandina domestica 'Pygmaea'
heavenly bamboo
Deciduous shrub
Good vertical plant; coppery spring foliage changing to green with deep purple in the autumn. |
Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense
Korean azalea
Deciduous shrub
Evergreen foliage with brown pubescence; orange-red fall foliage. |
Rhus typhina 'Dissecta'
staghorn sumac
Deciduous shrub
Excellent fall color; shorter at maturity than species sumac; fine texture combines well with grasses. |
Spiraea japonica 'Limemound'
Japanese spiraea
Deciduous shrub
One of the better yellow-foliage plants; nice plant to add contrast to planting groups; can tolerate shearing. |
Viburnum carlesii
Koreanspice viburnum
Deciduous shrub
Very fragrant; very showy flowers that are waxy in appearance; birds attracted to mature blue fruit. |
Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta'
doublefile viburnum
Deciduous shrub
Personal favorite; very architectural plant with good branching structure; branching is open and horizontal; double row of flowers very attractive.
Viburnum rhytidophyllum
leatherleaf viburnum
Deciduous shrub
Good mid-layer evergreen that provides good screen; attractive blooms enjoyed by bees. |
Acer griseum
paperbark maple
Showy cinnamon to reddish-brown exfoliating bark; slow grower does best with afternoon shade; fall color is fiery red. |
Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'
full moon maple
Needs shaded site; incredible orange to red fall foliage; small red springtime flowers contrast well with newly emerging leaves.
Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Filigree'
Japanese maple
Drooping form; finely dissected leaves makes an exceptional specimen plant; golden fall color. |
Amelanchier canadensis
Beautiful orange, red autumn color; good in a mass planting; edible blueberry-size fruit is a good wildlife and bird attractant.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
katsura tree
Needs moist soils and afternoon shade; heart-shaped leaves turn a nice canary yellow in the fall; tree smells like cotton candy in late summer-early fall.
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
eastern redbud
Burgundy summer foliage; avoid hot afternoon sun; flowers more intense in color than species redbud. |
Chionanthus virginicus
fringe tree
Full sun for best flowers; flowers intensely fragrant and can be smelled before the tree is seen; flowers have unusual fringe appearance; grows broader than tall.
Cornus kousa var. chinensis
Chinese dogwood
Later bloom than native dogwood; flower shape is longer and more pointed than species; branches take on a layered habit; mottled bark very rich with grey, green spots; fruit is edible; fall color is vibrant red.
Ginkgo biloba
maidenhair tree
Best fall yellow; autumn leaves will often fall all at once. |
Magnolia stellata
star magnolia
Nice glossy leaves; blooms very early spring often at a time when frost threatens. |
Nyssa sylvatica
black gum
Good tree for wet, periodically flooded conditions; incredible fall foliage with ranges of red to burgundy. |
Parrotia persica
Persian ironwood
Early spring bloomer; blooms best in full sun; new foliage emerges glossy red then matures to green. |
Quercus bicolor
swamp white oak
One of the better oaks for fall color; adapts to wet conditions; my ideal tree for structure and habit. |
Quercus macrocarpa
bur oak
Very large acorns and caps, which can pose a litter problem if tree is not properly sited; good for wet sites. |
Styrax japonicus
Unusual drooping flowers and fruit; grey bark with underlying orange inner bark. |
Ulmus parvifolia 'Dynasty'
Chinese elm
Mottled exfoliating orange bark; very attractive leaves and samaras that are red in the autumn. |