Buxus 'Green Gem'
Broadleaf evergreen
This is a slow growing, globose form with deep green foliage. It is easily pruned to maintain a formal look in your garden. Excellent for providing your “clipped box” hedge appearance that can be used both as a hedge and singly. This is truly a garden gem for the formal evergreen look you desire in your garden. Deer resistant as are all Buxus species. |
Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Morris Midget'
Japanese boxwood
Broadleaf evergreen
This is an attractive, compact evergreen shrub that is easily pruned. It is very heat tolerant, but not for wet conditions. It provides a dwarf, mounding habit in your garden and is deer resistant as are all Buxus. |
Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen'
Korean boxwood
Broadleaf evergreen
A good choice for a small leaved boxwood. It is evergreen and compact and has dull green colored leaves that usually turn purplish brown in winter. It is truly cold hardy in the Midwest and takes pruning easily to maintain the plant either as a hedge or singly in your garden. It is deer resistant as are all Buxus. |
Ilex glabra 'Compacta'
Broadleaf evergreen
A broad-leaved evergreen growing slowly with a compact, rounded habit. It is very tolerant of a wet planting site, heavy clay soils and pollution. Use it in a full-sun area as well as a light-shaded area. I have found it to be a tough urban plant. |
Ilex 'Mesdob' CHINA BOY
Broadleaf evergreen
A great addition to your broad-leaved evergreen choices for foundation plantings, hedges, or used singly in your landscape. This male plant should be planted for pollination of CHINA GIRL. One of the most trouble-free evergreen hollies. A great substitute for yews. They truly have lustrous and rich green foliage. |
Ilex 'Mesog' CHINA GIRL
Broadleaf evergreen
A great addition to your broad-leaved evergreen choices for foundation plantings, hedges, or used singly in your landscape.The female provides attractive fruits. Plant CHINA BOY as a pollinator to get fruit. One of the most trouble-free evergreen hollies. A great substitute for yews. Truly has lustrous and rich green foliage. |
Ilex x meserveae BLUE PRINCE
blue holly
Broadleaf evergreen
This holly is noted for its attractive blue-green evergreen foliage. It is wider shaped than China Boy and China Girl. Plant this male pollinator to get fruit set on BLUE PRINCESS. A great addition for a year-round foliage interest. |
Ilex x meserveae BLUE PRINCESS
blue holly
Broadleaf evergreen
This is a great holly for attractive blue-green evergreen foliage. It is wider shaped than China Boy and China Girl. The red fruits provide a great color addition in the landscape. Plant BLUE PRINCE as a pollinator for fruiting. A great addition for year-round foliage interest. |
Rhododendron 'Girard's Rose'
evergreen azalea
Broadleaf evergreen
The rose flowers are held against glossy green foliage in spring that turns to deep-red tints in fall. It has been a very vigorous grower for me and has an upright growth habit. Another in the Girard Series that is extremely hardy in St. Louis. |
Rhododendron 'Herbert'
evergreen azalea
Broadleaf evergreen
The vivid purple flowers make this a great spring addition. It is one of the most hardy for our climate. The 4’ x 4’ size fills an evergreen area in your landscape. Excellent for the cold winters in northern gardens. |
Rhododendron 'Pleasant White'
Broadleaf evergreen
The reliable large white flowers put on a great spring show. The Girard Series is excellent for northern gardens since the flower buds are cold-temperature tolerant of our winters. Has a pleasant fall color and the evergreen foliage adds year-round interest. |
Rhododendron 'Stewartstonian'
Broadleaf evergreen
The brick red color will light up your landscape. The foliage is dark green in summer and turns wine-red in winter. This azalea is a Gable Series selection and performs well in the Midwest winters. |
Abelia 'Edward Goucher'
Deciduous shrub
This is a semi-evergreen shrub when planted in a protected area in our landscapes. The glossy foliage is a great compliment to the rose-purple flowers. This may die back to the ground in northern climates, but grows back quickly. |
glossy abelia
Deciduous shrub
MISS LEMON is an attractive, low mounding shrub for use as a foundation planting or in a mixed perennial border. It's variegated foliage gives it inerest throughout the growing months and the fragrant lilac blooms will last on into the fall.
Abeliophyllum distichum
white forsythia
Deciduous shrub
Very attractive shrub when in bloom in the spring. The white flowers appear before the foliage in the very early landscape. Attentive pruning needs to be addressed for the shrub's border appearance. |
Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'
Deciduous shrub
The lustrous foliage with the brilliant fall red color is the highlight of this shrub. It is highly valued for the wide range of soil conditions it can be planted in. Will sucker in time, but the spreading, upright habit makes a natural hedge. |
Aronia melanocarpa
black chokeberry
Deciduous shrub
Chokeberry is a very versatile plant because it can grow in sun or shade, wet or dry situations. The black chokeberry is smaller in habit than A. arbutifolia. You will enjoy the glossy foliage in the landscape. |
Betula nigra 'Little King' FOX VALLEY
river birch
Deciduous shrub
This is a large shrub form of the native river birch, which I also recommend as a tree. The multi-branching provides interest in the winter landscape. The bark is brown to pale tan and with the addition of the peeling and curling bark becomes quite intesting. |
Callicarpa americana
Deciduous shrub
This is a native herbaceous shrub. It needs yearly pruning to perform best in the landscape. It produces large fruit which are quite showy in the landscape. Give some room for the naturalized shape it requires. |
Callicarpa dichotoma
Deciduous shrub
This purple beautyberry grows gracefully and is refined. The branches eventually arch and touch the ground. I think it is best planted in groups. The fruit ripens in late August and provides late-season interest. |
Calycanthus floridus
Carolina allspice
Deciduous shrub
Plant sweet shrub close to an entrance for the strawberry to banana to pineapple fragrance of the flowers. It has been known since Colonial days so plays a part in an heirloom restoration landscape. |
Calycanthus floridus 'Athens'
Carolina allspice
Deciduous shrub
This is larger than the species so site it accordingly. The yellow-green flowers are extremely fragrant so it is a must to plant it by an entrance or close to a path. |
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Longwood Blue'
Deciduous shrub
'Longwood Blue' is a prolific bloomer. The deep blue flowers mix well with the silver-gray foliage. The long bloom time is a highly desirable trait. The branches die back in winter so prune severely in early spring. Butterflies are attracted to the plant. |
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Worcester Gold'
Deciduous shrub
Bluebeard shrubs are light and airy in the landscape so I use them often in my garden designs. This cultivar has yellow-gold foliage that is an added feature along with the blue flowers. The bluebeard shrubs bloom on new wood so cut back in spring. |
Ceanothus americanus
New Jersey tea
Deciduous shrub
The New Jersey tea is a rather handsome plant in the landscape. I find it useful in that it can perform well in poor landscape situations. The June to July flowers are white and add interest to the mid-summer scene. It has nitrogen-fixing attributes. It is a native plant for the Midwest landscape. |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Deciduous shrub
The buttonbush is best planted in wet locations, but this can be a real asset in many landscapes. The June to July rounded, white flowers are welcome at that time of the year. Give the buttonbush room in the landscape. |
Chaenomeles x superba 'Jet Trail'
flowering quince
Deciduous shrub
'Jet Trail' needs full sun in the landscape. It is a white-flowered sport of ‘Texas Scarlet’. The 3’ by 3’ size fits smaller spaces in the landscape. |
Clethra alnifolia
sweet pepperbush
Deciduous shrub
The spicy fragrant flowers are a bonus in the landscape. They come late in the summer and occur over a 3- to 5-week period. I recommend that you plant it in groups of three or more to make a great impact in the landscape. |
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'
sweet pepperbush
Deciduous shrub
This cultivar of summersweet is 4’ by 4’ in height. This mid-size offers a unique value in the landscape. The fragrant flowers appear in July to August. |
Cornus sericea 'Cardinal'
red twig dogwood
Deciduous shrub
Place this plant in a location where the orange-red stems are highlighted in winter months. A wet location is also desirable for this seedling to prosper. A mass planting will prove most beneficial as well as annual pruning. |
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'
yellow twig dogwood
Deciduous shrub
The yellow-colored stems are a great winter accent. Use this genus singly or massed in the landscape. The best yellow color is obtained by annual selective pruning. |
Cotinus coggygria 'Velvet Cloak'
Deciduous shrub
The purple foliage provides a great focal point in the landscape. You will find that these purple forms are best enhanced by yearly pruning. The smoky flowers are outstanding against the dark foliage. |
Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'
slender deutzia
Deciduous shrub
Best performance on this plant will be in full sun. Do regular pruning each year to remove old stems and maintain the plant’s form and vigor. This cultivar grows 2’ by 2’ and has a dense form with a purplish color in fall and wonderful white flowers in spring. |
Forsythia 'Courtasol' GOLD TIDE
Deciduous shrub
This is a true harbinger of spring, and only grows 3’ by 3’ in size. The smaller space in the landscape requires much less pruning compared to the larger cultivars. The mounded form is a contrast to the upright, larger cultivars. Place in a smaller space than most forsythia. |
Fothergilla gardenii
dwarf fothergilla
Deciduous shrub
The fragrant, creamy white flowers are bottlebrush shaped. This is one of the most trouble-free shrubs I know. All four seasons are highlighted by this plant in the landscape. |
Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist'
dwarf fothergilla
Deciduous shrub
This cultivar differs from the species in having bluish foliage. The flowers are fragrant. The fothergillas are seldom in need of pruning. Great to use as a specimen or in a grouping. |
Hamamelis vernalis
Ozark witch hazel
Deciduous shrub
This is a great native plant for winter interest. The flowers are smaller than the Asian species hybrids. A woodland garden should not be without this species. |
Hamamelis virginiana
common witch hazel
Deciduous shrub
The common witch hazel is a favorite for the landscape for its late season yellow, fragrant flowers. This plant is relatively trouble-free and the late flowers occur as the foliage is falling. |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana'
rose of Sharon
Deciduous shrub
'Diana' makes a nice specimen plant in the full sun. This cultivar has very large white flowers that are long-lasting. The sterile flowers are welcome in the landscape and occur all summer. |
Hydrangea arborescens
smooth hydrangea
Deciduous shrub
This native plant is relatively trouble-free in the shady landscape and woodland gardens. The white flowers are showy in early to midsummer and light up the shade. |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva'
panicle hydrangea
Deciduous shrub
The white panicle flowers are smaller than the species which can make it useful in home landscapes. It can be planted in full sun. It flowers late with white flowers that turn pinkish in summer. |
Hydrangea quercifolia
oakleaf hydrangea
Deciduous shrub
Almost every cultivar available of this species is good, you really can't go wrong. Oakleaf hydrangea can be used singly or massed. It's a great four-season plant and the fall color is enhanced if you plant in more sunny areas of the garden. The tan-orange exfoliating bark has great winter interest appeal. |
oakleaf hydrangea
Deciduous shrub
'Ruby Slippers' is a compact form or oakleaf hydrangea noted for its large white panicle flowers that emerge white and mature to a ruby red. It's a great additon to any perennial border or because of its short stature, can be used as a foundation plant.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Flemygea' SNOW QUEEN
oakleaf hydrangea
Deciduous shrub
SNOW QUEEN has beautiful white clusters or panicles of sterile flowers held erect above the foliage. The fall color is enhanced when grown in full sun. The bark is tan-orange during the winter months. A place can always be found for the oakleaf hydrangeas. |
Deciduous shrub
This is a fantastic, yet underutilized shrub for the landscape. HYPEARLS RENU forms a low, compact mound of dark blue-green leaves that emerge tinged with red. In midsummer, it has bright yellow, star-shaped flowers that form on new wood and are followed by round cream colored fruits that mature to bright pink. The fruits are very popular in the cut flower industry.
Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy'
Deciduous shrub
This male deciduous holly is used for pollinating several early flowering cultivars. ‘Red Sprite’, ‘Cacapon’, ‘Afterglow’, ‘Aurantiaca’, and ‘Christmas Cheer’ are among those pollinated by this cultivar. Place in the background of the female deciduous hollies and one will never know it lacks berries. |
Ilex verticillata 'Nana' RED SPRITE
Deciduous shrub
The best small deciduous holly. The small size adds winter interest with the red berries. The fruit is extremely large and best produced when grown in full sun. Place in the landscape where winter effects are best appreciated. |
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Virginia sweetspire
Deciduous shrub
This cultivar has larger flowers than the species. The red fall color is around late into the fall as the leaves persist well into the month of November. The long arching white flowers are attractive against the foliage. A wet location is best for the plant. |
Kerria japonica 'Simplex'
Japanese kerria
Deciduous shrub
The winter interest of this plant is highlighted with the green zig-zag stems. Use these for cutting during the winter months to bring inside. The flowers are bright yellow if the plant is located in bright shaded areas. |
Lagerstroemia 'Chickasaw'
crape myrtle
Deciduous shrub
This is a great small crape myrtle for the landscape. The compact form is a welcome addition to a perennial border. The flowers are produced on new wood each year. The new cultivars flower until frost. |
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit II' DYNAMITE
crape myrtle
Deciduous shrub
The cherry-red color of this cultivar is brilliant in the perennial or shrub border. The flower period starts in mid summer and continues until frost. |
Lagerstroemia 'Tonto'
crape myrtle
Deciduous shrub
The fuschia-red flowers of this cultivar are around from mid summer until frost. Prune crape myrtles each spring to allow for flowers to form on new growth. Use 'Tonto' in a perennial shrub border in full sun for best flowering. |
Lindera benzoin
spice bush
Deciduous shrub
A Plant of Merit selection, Lindera benzoin is a great native shrub for your garden. The low maintenance characteristic of the spicebush highlights a naturalistic landscape. All parts of the plant are aromatic when crushed. |
Lonicera fragrantissima
fragrant honeysuckle
Deciduous shrub
The fragrant flowers appear before the foliage. It is a true harbinger of spring as it flowers late February to early March, which is reason enough to plant it. Give it some room in the shrub border. |
Myrica pensylvanica
Deciduous shrub
This shrub is trouble-free and requires little pruning. The gray, waxy berries add to the fall and winter interest. The plant is tolerant of roadside salt and poor soils. |
Paeonia suffruticosa
tree peony
Deciduous shrub
Tree peonies are actually shrubby plants. The deeply cut, gray-green foliage is attractive all season. Plant in a protected area. Seek out good quality cultivars for longevity. |
Deciduous shrub
'Dart's Gold' is an attractive ninebark noted for its golden foliage that gains a bronze tinting in fall. Foliage is nicely complemented by small white flowers that bloom in late spring. Mature branches exhibit exfoliating bark that peels in strips to reveal several layers of reddish to light brown inner bark making it an excellent addition to the winter landscape.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'
'Diabolo' is a purple-leaved cultivar that gets a bit larger, reaching a height of 4-8 feet and about the same spread. The purple foliage tends to green up in hot summer climates. Mature branches exhibit exfoliating bark that peels in strips to reveal several layers of reddish to light brown inner bark making it an excellent addition to the winter landscape.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Jefam' AMBER JUBILEE
Deciduous shrub
‘Jefam’, commercially sold as AMBER JUBILEE, is most noted for its foliage color and compact plant habit. The new leaves emerge orange with yellow veins on in spring and summer before turning purple in fall. Foliage on old wood is green throughout the summer.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' SUMMER WINE
Deciduous shrub
SUMMER WINE is noted for its wine-red foliage and its dense, mounded growth habit. Small pinkish-white flowers will appear in late spring. Foliage color tends to green up in hot summer climates as the summer progresses. Mature branches exhibit exfoliating bark that peels in strips to reveal several layers of reddish to light brown inner bark making it an excellent addition to the winter landscape.
Pyracantha angustifolia 'Gnome'
Deciduous shrub
The small white flowers give way to orange berries. Semi-evergreen foliage. Use in full-sun locations where a dense, barrier is wanted. |
Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense
Korean azalea
Deciduous shrub
The flowers are rose colored followed by dark green summer foliage that is red-purple in fall. There is a slight fragrance to the 2-inch flowers. This is an extremely hardy azalea for the Midwest landscape. |
Rhus aromatica
fragrant sumac
Deciduous shrub
The species grows 4’ tall and provides large-scale groundcover addition to the landscape. The trifoliate leaves turn brilliant red in fall for added interest. The native shrub is best used for a large naturalized setting. |
Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low'
fragrant sumac
Deciduous shrub
This cultivar is excellent to use as a mass planting in a groundcover situation. Full sun is required for the red fall color. Erosion control is one reason to use this cultivar. |
Rhus glabra
smooth sumac
Deciduous shrub
This species has smooth twigs and brighter fruit than R. typhina. It requires room in the landscape to form naturalized colonies. Excellent fall color. |
Rhus typhina 'Dissecta'
staghorn sumac
Deciduous shrub
This cultivar has dissected foliage and needs large areas to accommodate its size. Select some root suckers and eliminate some to get the best colonization effect. Fall colors are excellent. |
Spiraea japonica 'Lemon Princess'
Japanese spirea
Deciduous shrub
This dense, summer-blooming shrub has green foliage that turns deep red in fall. It has a compact form in the landscape that blooms best in full sun. A very nice small shrub. |
Spiraea japonica 'Limemound'
Japanese spiraea
Deciduous shrub
Full sun will provide the new foliage a reddish-tinge in early spring. Lemon-yellow foliage follows up during the summer and turns lime-green in the landscape. All wrapped up in a neat mounding habit--a winner in my book. |
Spiraea japonica 'Norman'
Japanese spirea
Deciduous shrub
This cultivar is larger than 'Little Princess' in the landscape but still very useful and attractive. These summer-flowering spireas are carefree. |
Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound'
Deciduous shrub
This spirea flowers earlier than the japonica cultivars. The white flowers are umbel-like and appear on upright, spreading foliage. The clean foliage is highly desired. This is a neat compact form and extremely floriferous. |
Staphylea trifolia
Deciduous shrub
The American bladdernut is great to use in your shade garden. It is a native plant perfect for a dry location in a woodlawn garden. |
Symphoricarpos x chenaultii 'Hancock'
Deciduous shrub
This is an outstanding selection to use in the landscape in a sunny location. The arching habit is great for groundcover, massing sites. |
Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora'
Koreanspice viburnum
Deciduous shrub
These fragrant flowers are a must for the garden. The clove-like pink buds open to white flowers thus giving a two-toned flower. The 5’ height gives a mid-size superior plant for the landscape. |
Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum'
Koreanspice viburnum
Deciduous shrub
This is a compact form that can fill a space unique to its size. The fragrance of the flowers is best enjoyed by a patio or window. |
Viburnum dentatum
arrowwood viburnum
Deciduous shrub
This is one of the most trouble-free of the viburnums. This native viburnum can be used in the shrub border or as a hedge. The fruits are edible by the wildlife. It is one of the viburnums to use in a woodland garden. |
Viburnum dentatum 'Ralph Senior' AUTUMN JAZZ
arrowwood viburnum
Deciduous shrub
The metallic blue fruits are a standout feature. I find it grows well in either sun or shade. This is an outstanding cultivar. |
Viburnum lentago
nannyberry viburnum
Deciduous shrub
This is a native viburnum that attains a tree height in the landscape so site it appropriately. It has glossy, red foliage in the fall. The fruits are highly sought after by birds. |
Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta'
doublefile viburnum
Deciduous shrub
The horizontal form of this viburnum is best suited at building corners to contrast with the vertical building lines. Give plenty of room for this graceful branching habit. A single plant or use as a hedge. |
Viburnum plicatum 'Summer Snowflake'
Japanese snowball
Deciduous shrub
This flowering viburnum is noted for its repeated flowering from spring through summer. It has an upright habit and can find a good use in the full sun border. |
Viburnum prunifolium
blackhaw viburnum
Deciduous shrub
This can be a small specimen tree in the landscape. The shiny, green foliage turns deep purple to scarlet in fall and the accompanying blue-black fruit is a wildlife magnet. It needs room in the landscape to use as a single tree or as a hedge. |
Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany'
lantanaphyllum viburnum
Deciduous shrub
The foliage is semi-evergreen in the Midwest. This matures at 8’ to 10’ so allow plenty of room for this plant in full sun. It can be used as a hedge if given sufficient room. |
Deciduous shrub
'Alexandra', sold commercially as WINE AND ROSES, typically grows 4-5 feet tall with a slightly larger spread. It is primarily grown for its profuse reddish-pink spring flowers and its purple foliage. Place in full sun for best results and prune after flowering for shaping.
Needled Evergreen
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Sungold'
Japanese falsecypress
Needled evergreen
A very good choice for a golden-yellow evergreen that will become a specimen plant in the landscape. Put it in full sun for best results. |
Juniperus horizontalis 'Prince of Wales'
creeping juniper
Needled evergreen
A good choice for an evergreen juniper that provides a low, mat-forming groundcover in full sun. This cultivar is extremely hardy grown in full sun and is adaptable to dry area location. |
Juniperus procumbens 'Green Mound'
Japanese garden juniper
Needled evergreen
This juniper provides a slight mounding habit in full sun locations. It does not brown out in the landscape, which makes it valuable in my designs. The green foliage stays a good color all season long. |
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'
singleseed juniper
Needled evergreen
'Blue Star' features excellent blue foliage, which adds to the landscape color scheme. The foliage is dense in the 3’-tall plants. It does best in full sun and dry areas of the landscape. |
Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl'
red cedar
Needled evergreen
A good choice for a neat, 4’ spreading, blue foliage juniper that has medium height in the landscape. The soft feathery foliage is excellent. This mid-size juniper is a background for many deciduous shrubs. |
Juniperus x pfitzeriana 'Sea Green'
Chinese juniper
Needled evergreen
This juniper has green fountain-like foliage. I like to use the feathery, dark green foliage as screening and background for other deciduous plant material in the landscape. |
Picea pungens 'Fat Albert'
Colorado spruce
Needled evergreen
A great blue 12- to 15-foot tall evergreen tree for the landscape. The rigid, incurved prickly foliage provides a nesting site for our feathered friends. Great for full sun areas. The tight pyramidal shape is a strong accent. Its small size is a big asset in many locations. |
Pinus strobus (Nana Group)
eastern white pine
Needled evergreen
A great dwarf conifer that provides a reliable, evergreen, green color to the landscape. The soft needles add a texture element to the landscape. Gives a nice winter character to the landscape. |
Pinus strobus 'Blue Shag'
eastern white pine
Needled evergreen
This is a very good dwarf conifer for the landscape scene. It has short, bluish needles and remains mounding, 3’ to 5’ height. Provide full sun and dry area for best results. |
Taxus x media 'Densiformis'
Needled evergreen
This is a fairly fast growing yew, yet compact form for the landscape. Easily pruned and provides a hardy evergreen plant for our winters. I use it often in my designs. |
Taxus x media 'Everlow'
Needled evergreen
This evergreen yew is low growing, with a low mounding habit. The branches provide an arching habit. I like to use it for a foundation planting since the height is 3’ to 4’ and spreading. |
Taxus x media 'Hicksii'
Needled evergreen
The upright and columnar habit is great to use for screens and hedges but not as good as 'Densiformis' for a foundation planting. It can attain 8’ heights in the Midwest. |
Taxus x media 'Nigra'
Needled evergreen
This cultivar has darker green foliage and is rather wide spreading in the landscape. I use it to provide an evergreen, dark contrast in the yard to highlight deciduous plants. |
Taxus x media 'Smokestack'
Needled evergreen
This medium green yew is extremely narrow so it can be used in tight locations in the landscape. No area is too small for this narrow delight in the landscape. It has gotten me out of many design tight spots. |
Taxus x media 'Taunton'
Needled evergreen
This yew is noted for its winter hardiness and wide spreading shape. Provide a wide area for this yew to spread to its full potential. |
Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire'
American arborvitae
Needled evergreen
This spiral evergreen arborvitae should be used as a specimen plant in the landscape. Provide excellent drainage and full sun for best results. |
Thuja occidentalis 'Tiny Tim'
American arborvitae
Needled evergreen
This arborvitae is globose in shape and makes neat, small rounded forms in the landscape. Provide full sun and dry locations for best results. |
Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula'
Canadian hemlock
Needled evergreen
This hemlock needs to be in shaded locations. Provide moist growing conditions. The soft texture provided by hemlocks is a treat for the landscape. The pendulous form this plant takes adds an architectural shape in the landscape. This is one of the most striking evergreen forms. |