
Adult spittlebugs resemble robust leafhoppers with many varied color patterns. They deposit eggs in rows between sheaths and stems of plants near the soil surface. Yellow nymphs become green as they reach full development. 

Symptoms & Diagnosis

The nymphs form the namesake spittle by mixing air with the excretion of their alimentary canal. While perhaps unsightly, this most obvious symptom of the spittlebug's presence is not harmful to the host plant. Injury is caused rather by both nymphs and adults, who remove plant juices with their piercing-sucking mouthparts. Resulting damage includes stunted growth, shortened internodes, dwarfing, and a general loss of vitality. Strawberries, nursery stock, and legume forage crops are the spittlebug's favored hosts. 

Integrated Pest Management Strategies

1. Do nothing. Spittlebugs typically do not cause any significant damage that would warrant control.

2. Use a strong stream of water. Nymphs can be easily handpicked or dislodged by a strong stream of water.