
White-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, have become garden and landscape pests in many parts of the country. Encroachment of their habitat by suburban and urban development, reduced hunting, and the absence of natural predators have all added to the problem. In the wild, deer will eat the buds, leaves, and stems of many woody plants. In gardens they will eat these as well as a variety of garden plants. Patterns of damage vary from year to year depending on weather, food availability, deer population density, and other factors.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Deer can be observed browsing during the day but feed mostly at night when they often are not directly observed. Torn leaves or stalks with ragged edges are common as deer tear or jerk plants when feeding. Rabbits, woodchucks, and other small animals usually leave cleanly cut plant remains. Male deer (bucks) can also injure plants when they rub their antlers on trees. Saplings are especially vulnerable. Signs are vertical scrapes and shredded bark on saplings, exposing the wood.

Integrated Pest Management Strategies

1. Develop a plan. Implementing a complete deercontrol program at once can be difficult. Instead, develop a long-term plan and phase it in over time. Consider problems with deer as one of your landscape design considerations and provide barriers or fencing where control is critical. Consult with your local municipality about their deer control program.

2. Alter the habitat. Deer prefer to feed at the edge of woods or other cover. Locate desirable plants as far as possible from woods, brush, or other areas where deer are known to be. Deer will eat nearly any plant if they are under sufficient pressure, such as extended snow cover or overcrowding, so assume that any plant could be damaged or destroyed under some conditions. Nevertheless, it is prudent to use plants that are considered less favored by deer. See the plant list which follows.

3. Scare devices. Many scare devices are noisy and therefore are not feasible in typical suburban or urban settings. Under nearly any circumstances, such devices soon lose their effectiveness because deer learn that they are not to be feared. A dog is a good deterrent, but comes with its own care and containment issues. Containing a dog with an "invisible fence" device often provides an adequate solution if the area to be managed is not too large.

4. Repel the deer.  Repellents do not eliminate deer problems; they can serve only as containment measures. They usually are water-soluble, so require reapplication regularly. Further, they may not work when food is scarce. However, new materials are constantly being introduced, so it is prudent to stay aware of changing circumstances and to share knowledge with others who find themselves in similar circumstances.

Commercial repellents. The following are some commercially available products that have proven to be effective. When using chemicals, read labels carefully and follow directions completely.

Deer-Away (37% putrescent whole-egg solids) This product is a contact repellent that smells and tastes like rotten eggs. Labeled for use on fruit trees before flowering, ornamental shrubs, and trees, it is relatively long-lasting.

Hinder (Ammonium soaps of higher fatty acids) This is one of the few repellents labeled for use on edible crops. However, it washes off with rain.

Thiram (11% to 42% tetramethylthiuram disulfide) This is a fungicide that acts as a contact repellent. It is used most often on dormant trees and shrubs. Some trade names are Bonide Rabbit-Deer Repellent, Nott’s Chew-Nott, Gustafson 42-S, and Magic Circle Rabbit Repellent.

Ropel (0.065% benzyl diethyl [(2,6 xylylcarbomoyl) methyl] ammonium saccharide), 0.035% thymol) This is a contact repellent that is applied each year to new growth. It is not recommended for edible crops.


5. Exclude the deer. Exclusion of deer is the only consistently effective control measure available. Because this solution is expensive as well as demanding, it is suggested that detailed instructions be used. An excellent publication that provides plans for the construction of fences of various kinds as well as many other details of deer control measures is “Controlling Deer Damage in Missouri” (MP685) published by University Outreach and Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia. The document can be viewed by clicking here.

Special Note: Deer are managed and protected as game animals. Missouri, as well as most other states, and many municipalities have deer control programs. It would be useful to discuss any deer problems with such authorities before undertaking extensive control measures.


Plants Not Favored by Deer (Printer friendly list)


Betula spp. (birch)
Castanea spp. (chestnut)
Catalpa spp. (catalpa)
Cercis spp. (redbud)
Cotinus spp. (smoketree)
Fagus spp. (beech)
Fraxinus spp. (ash)
Ginkgo bilboa (ginkgo)
Gleditsia triacanthos (honey locust)
Ilex opaca (American holly)
Juniperus virginiana (Eastern red cedar)
Larix spp. (larch)
Liquidambar spp. (sweetgum)
Liriodendron tulipifera (tuliptree/yellow poplar)
Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood)
Ostrya spp. (hop hornbeam)
Oxydendrum arboreum (sourwood)
Picea spp. (spruce)
Pinus nigra (Austrian pine)
Pinus sylvestris (Scotch pine)
Pinus mugo (mugo pine)
Pinus resinosa (red pine)
Platanus occidentalis (sycamore)
Sassafras albidum (sassafras)
Syringa reticulata (tree lilac)
Taxodium distichum (bald cypress)
Tsuga spp. (hemlock)


Berberis spp. (barberry)
Buxus spp. (boxwood)
Calycanthus spp. (sweet shrub)
Cotinus spp. (smoke bush)
Forsythia spp. (forsythia)
Hamamelis spp. (witch hazel)
Ilex glabra (inkberry)
Ilex cornuta (Chinese holly)
Juniperus spp. (juniper)
Kerria japonica (Japanese kerria)
Kolkwitzia amabilis (beautybush)
Lindera benzoin (spicebush)
Mahonia gracilipes (Oregon grape)
Pieris japonica (Japanese pieris)
Spiraea spp. (spirea)
Symphoricarpos spp. (snowberry/coralberry)
Syringa spp. (lilac)


Ground Covers
Ajuga reptans (ajuga)
Alchemilla mollis (lady’s mantle)
Asarum spp. (wild ginger)
Asperula gussonii (woodruff)
Bergenia cordifolia (bergenia)
Cerastium tomentosum (snow-in-summer)
Convallaria majalis (lily-of-the-valley)
Cornus canadensis (bunchberry)
Epimedium spp. (bishops’s hat)
Ferns (various genera and species)
Fragaria spp. (wild strawberry)
Juniperus spp. (juniper)
Lamium maculatum (dead nettle)
Liriope muscari (lily turf)
Mosses (various genera and species)
Nepeta spp. (catmint)
Pachysandra terminalis (pachysandra)
Potentilla spp. (cinquefoil)
Pulmonaria spp. (lungwort)
Salix spp. (willow)
Sedum spp. (stonecrop)
Sempervivum spp. (hens and chicks)
Vinca spp. (vinca)
Viola spp. (violet)
Waldsteinia spp. (barren strawberry)


Perennial Vines
Campsis spp. (trumpet creeper)
Celastrus scandens (American bittersweet)
Clematis spp. (clematis)
Fallopia baldschuanica (silver lace vine)
Lonicera spp. (honeysuckle)
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper)
Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Boston ivy)
Vitis spp. (grape)
Wisteria spp. (wisteria)


Hardy Bulbs
Allium spp. (ornamental onion)
Chionodoxa spp. (glory-of-the-snow)
Colchicum spp. (autumn crocus)
Crocus spp. (crocus)
Eranthis hyemalis (Winter aconite)
Fritillaria spp. (crown imperial/fritillary)
Galanthus spp. (snowdrop)
Leucojum aestivum (summer snowflake)
Muscari spp. (grape hyacinth)
Narcissus spp. (daffodil)
Puschkinia scilloides (striped squill)
Scilla spp. (scilla)


Annuals and Biennials
Ageratum houstonianum (floss flower)
Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon)
Campanula spp. (bellflower)
Delphinium spp. (larkspur)
Dianthus spp. (dianthus)
Digitalis spp. (foxglove)
Helianthus spp. (sunflower)
Heliotropium arborescens (heliotrope)
Iberis sempervirens (candytuft)
Ipomoea alba (moonflower)
Ipomoea mauritiana (morning glory)
Lobelia spp. (lobelia)
Matthiola incana (stock)
Mimulus spp. (monkey flower)
Mirabilis jalapa (four o’clock )
Papaver spp. (poppy)
Petunia x atkinsiana (petunia)
Salvia spp. (salvia)
Tagetes spp. (marigold)
Tithonia rotundifolia (Mexican sunflower)
Tropaeolum majus (nasturtium)


Hardy Perennials
Achillea spp. (yarrow)
Aconitum spp. (monkshood)
Anemone spp. (anemone)
Aquilegia spp. (columbine)
Arabis caucasica (rock cress)
Artemisia lactiflora (white mugwort)
Asclepias spp. (butterfly weed)
Astilbe spp. (astilbe)
Bergenia cordifolia (bergenia)
Caltha palustris (marsh marigold)
Cerastium tomentosum (snow-in-summer)
Coreopsis spp. (coreopsis)
Dianthus spp. (pinks)
Echinacea spp. (coneflower)
Erigeron (fleabane daisy)
Eupatorium perfoliatum (American boneset)
Filipendula spp. (meadow sweet) 
Gentiana andrewsii (gentian)
Geranium spp. (crane’s bill)
Geum spp. (avens)
Helenium spp. (sneezeweed)
Helleborus spp. (hellebore)
Hibiscus spp. (hibiscus)
Iris spp. (iris)
Leucanthemum x superbum (shasta daisy)
Lychnis spp. (lychnis)
Monarda spp. (bee balm)
Paeonia spp. (peony)
Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian Sage)
Phlox spp. (phlox)
Polemonium spp. (Jacob’s ladder)
Rudbeckia spp. (black-eyed Susan)
Salvia spp. (salvia)
Saponaria spp. (soapwort)
Sedum spp. (sedum)
Sempervivum tectorum (hens and chicks)
Solidago spp. (goldenrod)
Thalictrum spp. (meadow rue)
Tiarella spp. (foam flower)
Veronica spp. (speedwell)
Viola spp. (violet)
Yucca filamentosa (yucca)


Allium schoenoprasum (chives)
Anethum graveolens (dill)
Artemisia dracunculus (French tarragon)
Borago officinalis (borage)
Foeniculum vulgare (fennel)
Hyssopus officinalis (hyssop)
Lavendula spp. (lavender)
Levisticum officinale (lovage)
Melissa officinalis (lemon balm)
Mentha spp. (mint)
Nepeta cataria (catnip)
Ocimum basilicum (basil)
Origanum laevigatum (marjoram)
Origanum spp. (oregano)
Ruta graveolens (rue)
Salvia rosmarinus (rosemary)
Salvia spp. (sage)
Sanguisorba spp. (burnet)
Satureja spp. (savory)
Symphytum spp. (comfrey)
Teucrium spp. (germander)
Thymus spp. (thyme)