Lawn Care
Selection, Culture and Care
Pests and Problems
How do I check for insects in my lawn?
How do I check for insects in my lawn?
Here are two simple, low cost tests for checking for insects in your lawn.

First, remove the top and bottom a one-gallon tin can to produce a hollow cylinder.

Place the can on the ground and cut around it with a trowel then press the can into the cut to a depth of about 2 inches to make a good seal.

Fill the can with water. Fill it again as the water is absorbed into the ground. Any chinch bugs present should float to the top. Repeat the process in a few other locations. Turf close to walkways and drives is attractive to chinch bugs. None were found in this test.

Another test is to fill a large bucket with soapy water and pour it on a section of lawn. The soap will irritate any insects present and make them wiggle to the surface where they can be observed. Repeat in a few other locations in the yard.
Learn to identify any insects you find correctly. Some insects are beneficial!
Also, See "Grubs in Lawns" for how to test for grubs.