Lawn Care
Selection, Culture and Care
Pests and Problems
How do I kill zoysia grass or Bermuda grass in my fescue lawn?
How do I kill zoysia grass or Bermuda grass in my fescue lawn?
Zoysia grass and Bermuda grass are perennial, warm-season grasses that invade cool-season lawns, such as fescues, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.
Since selective herbicides that kill warm-season grass without also killing or damaging the cool-season graasses are not available your only good option is to spot-kill the areas with a non-selective herbicide such as glyphosate and then reseed or sod the areas. Killing grass is best done in late summer (July-August) just prior to early fall, the best time of year to seed cool-season grasses. Wait two to three weeks after applying glyphosate before reseeding. Reseed the areas between late August and mid-October with early September being ideal.