Plant Finder Search Results

Your search returned 405 results.
Acca sellowiana  - pineapple guava
Aesculus californica  - California buckeye
Aesculus × carnea 'Marginata'  - red horse chestnut
Aesculus flava  - yellow buckeye
Aesculus indica 'Sydney Pearce'  - Indian horse chustnut
Aesculus parviflora var. serotina  - bottlebrush buckeye
Aesculus pavia  - red buckeye   ( POM )
Aglaia edulis  - chu-lan tree
Albizia julibrissin  - silk tree
Albizia saman  - rain tree
Aleurites fordii  - tung-oil tree
Aleurites moluccanus  - candlenut tree
Amelanchier arborea  - serviceberry   ( POM )
Amelanchier canadensis  - serviceberry
Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'  - apple serviceberry   ( POM )
Amelanchier laevis  - Allegheny serviceberry
Amelanchier lamarckii  - juneberry
Arbutus × andrachnoides  - hybrid strawberry tree
Arbutus unedo  - strawberry tree
Bauhinia × blakeana  - Hong Kong orchid tree
Butea monosperma  - flame of the forest
Caesalpinia pulcherrima  - pride of barbados
Camellia crapnelliana  - camellia
Camellia edithae  - camellia
Camellia oleifera  - camellia
Cassia bakeriana  - wishing tree
Cassia fistula  - golden shower tree
Cassia leptophylla  - pink shower
Cavanillesia platanifolia  - cavanillesia
Cercis canadensis  - eastern redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Appalachian Red'  - eastern redbud   ( POM )
Cercis canadensis 'Covey'  - eastern redbud
Cercis canadensis f. alba  - eastern redbud
Cercis canadensis f. alba 'Royal White'  - eastern redbud   ( POM )
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'  - eastern redbud   ( POM )
Cercis chinensis  - Chinese redbud
Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'  - Chinese redbud
Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf'  - Chinese redbud
Cercis 'Merlot'  - redbud
Cercis siliquastrum  - Judas tree
Chionanthus retusus  - Chinese fringe tree
Chionanthus retusus 'Tokyo Tower'  - Chinese fringe tree
Chionanthus virginicus  - fringe tree   ( POM )
Chorisia speciosa  - silk floss tree
Citrus maxima  - pummelo
Citrus × microcarpa  - calamondin
Citrus × sinensis 'Moro'  - blood orange
Cladrastis kentukea  - yellowwood   ( POM )
Cladrastis wilsonii  - yellowwood
Cordyline fruticosa  - cabbage tree
Cornus alternifolia  - pagoda dogwood
Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea'  - pagoda dogwood
Cornus capitata  - evergreen dogwood
Cornus controversa  - giant dogwood
Cornus elliptica  - dogwood
Cornus florida  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Cherokee Chief'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Comco No. 1' CHEROKEE BRAVE  - flowering dogwood   ( POM )
Cornus florida 'Daybreak'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida f. rubra  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Ozark Spring'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Purple Glory'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Red Pygmy'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Royal Red'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'White Cloud'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus florida 'Xanthocarpa'  - flowering dogwood
Cornus 'Kn30 8' VENUS  - hybrid dogwood
Cornus kousa  - kousa dogwood
Cornus kousa 'Fireworks'  - kousa dogwood
Cornus kousa 'Peve Limbo'  - kousa dogwood
Cornus kousa 'Satomi'  - kousa dogwood
Cornus kousa 'Snow Tower'  - kousa dogwood
Cornus kousa var. chinensis  - Chinese dogwood   ( POM )
Cornus mas 'Golden Glory'  - cornelian cherry dogwood   ( POM )
Cornus officinalis  - Japanese cornelian cherry
Cornus wilsoniana  - dogwood
× Crataegomespilus 'Dardarii'  - medlar-hawthorn
Crataegus coccinea  - hawthorn
Crataegus crus-galli  - cockspur thorn
Crataegus nitida  - hawthorn
Crataegus phaenopyrum  - Washington hawthorn
Crataegus 'Vaughn'  - cockspur thorn
Crataegus viridis  - green hawthorn
Cydonia oblonga  - quince
Davidia involucrata  - dove tree
Delonix regia  - royal poinciana
Elaeagnus angustifolia  - Russian olive
Firmiana simplex  - Chinese parasol tree
Franklinia alatamaha  - Franklin tree
Fraxinus ornus  - flowering ash
Guaiacum sanctum  - lignum vitae
Halesia carolina  - Carolina silverbell   ( POM )
Halesia diptera  - silverbell tree
Halesia diptera (Magniflora Group)  - silverbell tree   ( POM )
Halesia monticola  - silverbell tree
Heptacodium miconioides  - seven-son flower   ( POM )
Hildegardia barteri  - hildegardia
Jacaranda mimosifolia  - jacarandá
Kalopanax septemlobus  - castor aralia
Kigelia africana  - sausage tree
Koelreuteria paniculata  - golden rain tree
Laburnum alpinum  - Scotch laburnum
Laburnum anagyroides  - common laburnum
Laburnum × watereri  - bean tree
Ligustrum lucidum  - glossy privet
Liriodendron tulipifera  - tulip tree
Maackia amurensis  - maackia
Maackia chinensis  - maackia
Magnolia acuminata  - cucumber tree
Magnolia 'Ann'  - magnolia
Magnolia 'Betty'  - magnolia
Magnolia 'Butterflies'  - magnolia   ( POM )
Magnolia 'Daybreak'  - magnolia
Magnolia denudata  - yulan magnolia
Magnolia 'Elizabeth'  - magnolia
Magnolia 'Galaxy'  - magnolia
Magnolia garrettii  - magnolia
Magnolia 'Gold Star'  - magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora  - southern magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty'  - southern magnolia   ( POM )
Magnolia grandiflora 'Edith Bogue'  - large-flowered magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'  - large-flowered magnolia
Magnolia 'Jane'  - magnolia
Magnolia 'Judy Zuk'  - magnolia
Magnolia kobus  - kobus magnolia
Magnolia 'Legacy'  - kobus magnolia
Magnolia × loebneri  - magnolia
Magnolia × loebneri 'Merrill'  - magnolia   ( POM )
Magnolia macrophylla  - large-leaved cucumber tree
Magnolia 'Marillyn'  - magnolia
Magnolia obovata  - whitebark magnolia
Magnolia 'Randy'  - magnolia
Magnolia × soulangeana  - saucer magnolia
Magnolia × soulangeana 'Lennei'  - saucer magnolia
Magnolia stellata  - star magnolia
Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily'  - star magnolia
Magnolia 'Sunspire'  - magnolia
Magnolia tripetala  - umbrella tree
Magnolia virginiana  - sweet bay magnolia
Magnolia virginiana 'Jim Wilson' MOONGLOW  - sweet bay magnolia   ( POM )
Magnolia virginiana var. australis  - swamp magnolia   ( POM )
Magnolia × wieseneri  - magnolia
Magnolia wilsonii  - magnolia
Malus (5-28)  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Adams'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Amberina'  - flowering crabapple
Malus baccata  - apple
Malus baccata 'Halward'  - Siberian crabapple
Malus 'Beverly'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Braeburn'  - semi-dwarf apple
Malus 'Branzam' BRANDYWINE  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Callaway'  - crabapple
Malus 'Camzam' CAMELOT  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Cardinal'  - crabapple
Malus 'Centzam' CENTURION  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Donald Wyman'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Ellen Gerhart'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Empire'  - semi-dwarf apple
Malus floribunda  - Japanese crabapple
Malus 'Fozam' FOX FIRE  - crabapple
Malus 'Grimes Golden'  - apple tree
Malus 'Henry Kohankie'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Hozam' HOLIDAY GOLD  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Indian Magic'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Indian Summer'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Inglis' WHITE ANGEL  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Jewelberry'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'JFS-KW5' ROYAL RAINDROPS  - flowering crabapple   ( POM )
Malus 'Jonafree'  - semi-dwarf apple
Malus 'Jonagold'  - semi-dwarf apple
Malus 'Katherine'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Leprechaun'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Liberty'  - dwarf apple
Malus 'Louisa'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Manbeck Weeper'  - flowering crabapple
Malus mandshurica  - Siberian crabapple
Malus 'Mary Potter'  - apple   ( POM )
Malus MAYPOLE  - columnar apple
Malus × moerlandsii 'Profusion'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Pink Princess'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Prairifire'  - flowering crabapple
Malus pumila 'Honeygold'  - semi-dwarf apple
Malus 'Purple Prince'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Radiant'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Ralph Shay'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Redfree'  - dwarf apple
Malus 'Robinson'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Ruth Ann'  - flowering crabapple
Malus sargentii  - Sargent crabapple
Malus sargentii 'Candymint'  - Sargent crabapple
Malus sargentii 'Tina'  - Sargent crabapple
Malus 'Scbrazam' SCARLET BRANDYWINE  - flowering crabapple
Malus × scheideckeri 'Red Jade'  - weeping crabapple
Malus 'Snowdrift'  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Spring Snow'  - crabapple
Malus 'Sutyzam' SUGAR TYME  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Weepcanzam' CANDIED APPLE  - flowering crabapple
Malus 'Winter Gold'  - flowering crabapple
Malus × zumi var. calocarpa  - redbud crabapple
Mespilus canescens  - Stern's medlar
Osmanthus fragrans  - fragrant olive
Oxydendrum arboreum  - sourwood   ( POM )
Parrotia persica  - Persian ironwood   ( POM )
Paulownia tomentosa  - princess tree
Photinia beauverdiana  - Christmas berry
Plumeria obtusa  - Singapore graveyard flower
Plumeria rubra  - templetree
Poliothyrsis sinensis  - Chinese pearlbloom
Prunus americana  - wild plum
Prunus avium  - bird cherry
Prunus caroliniana  - cherry laurel
Prunus cerasifera  - cherry plum
Prunus × cistena  - purple-leaf sand cherry
Prunus davidiana  - David's peach
Prunus dulcis  - almond
Prunus 'Kanzan'  - Japanese flowering cherry
Prunus maackii  - Manchurian cherry
Prunus mandshurica  - Manchurian apricot
Prunus mexicana  - Mexican plum
Prunus mume  - Japanese apricot
Prunus mume 'Fenghou'  - Japanese apricot
Prunus mume 'Peggy Clarke'  - Japanese apricot
Prunus 'North Star'  - sour cherry
Prunus 'Okame'  - Taiwan cherry
Prunus padus  - bird cherry
Prunus padus 'Albertii'  - bird cherry
Prunus padus 'Berg'  - bird cherry
Prunus padus 'Colorata'  - bird cherry
Prunus pendula 'Pendula Rosea'  - weeping higan cherry
Prunus 'Redheart'  - dwarf plum
Prunus sargentii  - Sargent cherry
Prunus sargentii 'Columnaris'  - Sargent cherry
Prunus serotina  - black cherry
Prunus serrula  - ornamental cherry
Prunus serrulata  - Japanese flowering cherry
Prunus 'Shirotae'  - Mount Fuji cherry
Prunus 'Snofozam' SNOW FOUNTAINS  - weeping higan cherry
Prunus subhirtella  - higan cherry
Prunus triloba  - flowering almond
Prunus triloba 'Multiplex'  - flowering almond
Prunus virginiana  - chokecherry
Prunus × yedoensis  - yoshino cherry
Pseudobombax ellipticum  - shaving-brush tree
Pseudocydonia sinensis  - Chinese-quince
Ptelea trifoliata  - hop tree
Pterostyrax hispidus  - fragrant epaulette tree
Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford'  - Callery pear
Pyrus calleryana 'Capital'  - Callery pear
Pyrus communis  - common pear
Pyrus communis 'Colette'  - common pear
Pyrus communis 'Seckel'  - common pear
Pyrus salicifolia  - willowleaf pear
Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula'  - willowleaf pear
Pyrus salicifolia 'Silver Frost'  - willowleaf pear
Robinia pseudoacacia  - black locust
Robinia 'Purple Robe'  - black locust
Sassafras albidum  - sassafras
Sinojackia rehderiana  - jacktree
Sinojackia xylocarpa  - jack tree
Sorbus alnifolia  - mountain ash
Sorbus americana  - American mountain ash
Sorbus decora  - mountain ash
Sorbus torminalis  - wild service tree
Spathodea campanulata  - African tuliptree
Staphylea trifolia  - bladdernut
Stewartia ovata  - mountain camellia
Styrax japonicus  - Japanese snowbell
Styrax obassia  - fragrant snowbell
Syringa reticulata  - Japanese tree lilac
Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'  - Japanese tree lilac
Syringa reticulata subsp. pekinensis  - Chinese tree lilac   ( POM )
Tetradium daniellii  - bee bee tree
Tilia americana  - American linden
Tilia americana 'Redmond'  - American linden   ( POM )
Tilia cordata  - little-leaf linden
Tilia × europaea  - European linden
Tilia tomentosa  - silver linden
Triplaris americana  - ant tree
Turraea obtusifolia  - South African honeysuckle
Xanthoceras sorbifolium  - yellowhorn