Plant Finder Search Results

Your search returned 873 results.
Abelmoschus manihot  - sunset huskmallow
Abelmoschus moschatus  - musk mallow
Abutilon × hybridum  - flowering-maple
Abutilon × hybridum 'Bella Red'  - flowering-maple
Abutilon 'Moonchimes'  - flowering-maple
Acacia koa  - koa
Acalypha hispida  - red hot cat's tail
Acalypha wilkesiana  - Jacob's coat
Achimenes (group)  - hot water plant
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii  - paurotis palm
Adansonia digitata  - baobab
Adenium obesum  - desert rose
Aechmea fasciata  - urn plant
Aeonium undulatum  - stalked aeonium
Aeschynanthus radicans  - lipstick plant
Ageratina altissima  - white snakeroot
Ageratum houstonianum  - floss flower
Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon'  - floss flower   ( POM )
Aglaia odorata  - chu-lan tree
Aglaonema commutatum  - Philippine evergreen
Aglaonema 'Cutlass'  - Chinese evegreen
Aglaonema 'Red Gold'  - Chinese evergreen
Aglaonema 'Silver Queen'  - Chinese evergreen
Aleurites moluccanus  - candlenut tree
Allamanda cathartica  - golden trumpet
Allamanda schottii  - bush allamanda
Allium cepa  - onion
Alluaudia dumosa  - alluaudia
Alluaudia humbertii  - alluaudia
Alocasia × amazonica  - elephant's ear
Alocasia × amazonica 'Polly'  - Amazonian elephant's ear
Alocasia 'Frydek'  - elephant's ear
Alocasia LOW RIDER  - elephant's ear
Alocasia macrorrhizos  - giant elephant's ear
Aloe ferox  - Cape aloe
Aloe harlana  - aloe
Aloe longistyla  - Karoo aloe
Aloe munchii  - large Chimanimani aloe
Aloe rauhii  - aloe
Aloe sabaea  - Yemen tree aloe
Aloe striata  - coral aloe
Aloe suzannae  - aloe
Aloe vera  - aloe
Aloysia virgata  - sweet almond bush
Alpinia galanga  - siamese ginger
Alpinia japonica  - ginger lily
Alpinia zerumbet  - shellplant
Alternanthera dentata  - Joseph's coat
Alternanthera ficoidea  - Joseph's coat
Amaranthus caudatus  - love-lies-bleeding
Amorphophallus konjac  - Devil's tongue   ( POM )
Anagallis monelli  - blue pimpernel
Ananas comosus  - pineapple
Ananas comosus var. variegatus  - variegated pineapple
Andropogon gerardii  - big blue stem
Andropogon glomeratus  - bushy bluestem
Anigozanthos flavidus  - tall kangaroo paw
Anthurium andraeanum  - anthurium
Anthurium crassinervium  - anthurium
Antigonon leptopus  - coral vine
Antirrhinum majus  - snapdragon
Aphelandra squarrosa  - zebra plant
Arbutus × andrachnoides  - hybrid strawberry tree
Arbutus unedo  - strawberry tree
Arbutus unedo 'Oktoberfest'  - strawberry tree
Arctotis × hybrida  - African daisy
Argyranthemum frutescens  - cobbitty daisy
Aristea platycaulis  - aristea
Artocarpus altilis  - breadfruit
Arundina graminifolia  - bamboo orchid
Asparagus densiflorus  - Sprenger's asparagus fern
Asparagus setaceus  - asparagus fern
Aspidistra elatior  - cast-iron plant
Astrophytum myriostigma  - bishop's hat
Averrhoa carambola  - star fruit
Baccharis angustifolia  - false willow
Barleria cristata  - Philippine violet
Basella alba  - Malabar spinach
Basella rubra 'Red Stem'  - Ceylon spinach   ( POM )
Bauhinia × blakeana  - Hong Kong orchid tree
Beaucarnea recurvata  - ponytail palm
Begonia 'Canary Wing'  - begonia   ( POM )
Begonia 'Casper'  - begonia
Begonia FUNKY PINK  - hybrid tuberous begonia
Begonia 'Green Gold'  - begonia
Begonia masoniana  - iron cross begonia
Begonia 'Penny Lahn'  - begonia
Begonia 'River Nile'  - begonia
Begonia 'Sinbad'  - angelwing begonia
Begonia 'Sophia'  - angelwing begonia
Bertolonia maculata  - jewel plant
Bismarckia nobilis  - Bismarck palm
Bixa orellana  - lipsticktree
Blighia sapida  - akee
Bougainvillea (group)  - bougainvillea
Brachyscome (group)  - Swan River daisy
Brachyscome iberidifolia  - Swan River daisy
Brugmansia × candida  - angel's trumpet
Buddleja 'Miss Molly'  - butterfly bush
Bursera simaruba  - gumbo-limbo
Caesalpinia coriaria  - divi-divi
Caesalpinia pulcherrima  - pride of barbados
Calamagrostis × acutiflora  - feather reed grass
Calamagrostis × acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'  - feather reed grass   ( POM )
Calathea lancifolia  - rattlesnake plant
Calathea makoyana  - peacock plant
Calathea zebrina  - zebra plant
Calibrachoa (group)  - million bells
Calliandra haematocephala  - powder puff tree
Callistemon citrinus  - crimson bottlebrush
Callistemon rigidus  - stiff bottlebrush
Calotropis gigantea  - giant milkweed
Calotropis procera  - roostertree
Camellia crapnelliana  - camellia
Camellia japonica  - camellia
Camellia sasanqua  - camellia
Camptosema praeandinum  - camptosema
Capsicum chinense  - pepper
Capsicum chinense 'Roulette'  - habanero pepper
Carica papaya  - papaya
Caryota mitis  - Burmese fishtail palm
Cascabela thevetia  - yellow oleander
Catharanthus roseus  - Madagascar periwinkle
Cattleya (group)  - orchid
Cavanillesia platanifolia  - cavanillesia
Ceratonia siliqua  - St. John's bread
Cestrum nocturnum  - night jessamine
Chamaecostus cuspidatus  - fiery costus
Chamaedorea elegans  - parlor palm
Chamaedorea seifrizii  - bamboo palm
Chlorophytum 'Bonnie'  - spider plant
Chlorophytum comosum  - spider plant
Chorisia speciosa  - silk floss tree
Chrysanthemum 'Cathy's Rust'  - daisy garden mum
Chrysanthemum 'Hillside Sheffield Pink'  - decorative garden mum
Chrysanthemum 'Jessica'  - chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Lindayo' LINDA  - chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Pumpkin Igloo'  - chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Radiant Igloo'  - chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Yobra' BRAVO  - chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Yogin' GINGER  - chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum 'Yosun' SUNDORO  - chrysanthemum
Chrysophyllum cainito  - star apple
Cinnamomum burmannii  - Padang cassia
Cinnamomum cassia  - Chinese cinnamon tree
Cinnamomum verum  - cinnamon
Cissus alata  - grape ivy
Citrus hystrix  - Thai lime
Citrus limon  - lemon
Citrus maxima  - pummelo
Citrus × meyeri  - meyer lemon
Citrus × microcarpa  - calamondin
Citrus 'Ponderosa'  - giant lemon
Citrus reticulata 'Clementine'  - mandarin orange
Citrus reticulata 'Dancy'  - mandarin orange
Clematis 'Rooguchi'  - clematis   ( POM )
Cleome 'Inncleosr' SENORITA ROSALITA  - spider flower   ( POM )
Clerodendrum splendens  - glory bower
Clerodendrum thomsoniae  - bleeding heart
Clitoria ternatea  - butterfly pea   ( POM )
Clivia miniata  - Natal lily
Clusia orthoneura  - clusia
Cobaea scandens  - cup and saucer vine
Cocos nucifera  - coconut palm
Columnea microcalyx  - columnea
Cordyline australis  - cabbage tree
Cordyline fruticosa  - cabbage tree
Cordyline fruticosa 'Kiwi'  - cabbage tree
Cordyline indivisa  - mountain palm
Coriandrum sativum  - cilantro
Cortaderia selloana  - Uruguayan pampas grass
Cosmos bipinnatus  - cosmos
Couroupita guianensis  - cannonball tree
Crassula ovata  - jade plant
Crescentia cujete  - common calabash tree
Crinum asiaticum  - poison bulb
Crossandra infundibuliformis  - firecracker flower
Cucumis melo  - canteloupe
Cucumis sativus  - cucumber
Cuphea 'David Verity'  - cuphea   ( POM )
Cuphea hyssopifolia  - false heather   ( POM )
Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Allyson Heather'  - false heather   ( POM )
Cuphea ignea  - cigar flower
Cuphea llavea  - cuphea
Cuphea × purpurea  - bat-faced cuphea
Curcuma petiolata  - queen lily
Cyclamen persicum  - cyclamen
Cymbidium (group)  - orchid
Cymbopogon flexuosus  - lemon grass
Cynara cardunculus  - cardoon
Cyperus involucratus  - umbrella plant
Dahlia 'Mystic Illusion'  - dahlia   ( POM )
Datura inoxia  - pricklyburr
Datura metel  - horn-of-plenty
Dendrobium (group)  - orchid
Dianthus barbatus  - sweet William
Diascia barberae  - twinspur
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora  - blue ginger
Dieffenbachia seguine  - dumb cane
× Digiplexis 'Berry Canary'  - Isoplexis/Digitalis hybrid
Dimorphotheca pluvialis  - weather prophet
Dioscorea alata  - water yam
Dioscorea discolor  - ornamental yam
Dracaena fragrans  - fragrant dracaena
Dracaena marginata  - dragontree
Drosanthemum micans  - drosanthemum
Duranta erecta  - golden dewdrops
Duranta erecta 'Cuban Gold'  - pigeon berry   ( POM )
Duranta erecta 'Gold Edge'  - pigeon berry
Duranta erecta 'Gold Mound'  - pigeon berry
Echinacea 'Moab Sunset'  - coneflower
Elaeagnus × ebbingei  - oleaster
Elaeagnus macrophylla  - oleaster
Elaeagnus pungens  - thorny olive
Ensete ventricosum  - Abyssinian banana
Epilobium californica 'Bowman'  - hummingbird's trumpet
Episcia cupreata  - flame violet
Eranthemum pulchellum  - blue sage
Erythrina × bidwillii  - coral tree
Etlingera elatior  - torch ginger
Eucalyptus deglupta  - Indonesian gum
Eucharis amazonica  - Amazon lily
Euphorbia 'Helena'  - spurge
Euphorbia milii  - christplant
Euphorbia pulcherrima  - poinsettia
Euphorbia trigona  - African milk tree
Eurybia divaricata 'Tiney Hiney'  - white wood aster
Eurybia paludosa  - aster
Eustoma grandiflorum  - lisianthus
Evolvulus BLUE MY MIND  - evolvulus
Evolvulus glomeratus  - Brazilian dwarf morning-glory
Evolvulus nuttallianus  - evolvulus
Exacum affine  - Persian violet
Fallopia baldschuanica  - silver lace vine
Fatsia japonica  - glossy-leaved paper plant
Ficus carica  - edible fig
Ficus religiosa  - sacred bo tree
Fragaria × ananassa BERRIES GALORE  - junebearing strawberry
Fragaria × ananassa 'Ruby Ann'  - everbearing strawberry
Fragaria EVERSWEET  - everbearing strawberry
Fragaria 'Fort Laramie'  - strawberry
Fragaria 'Ozark Beauty'  - everbearing strawberry
Fragaria 'Tribute'  - everbearing strawberry
Freesia (group)  - freesia
Fuchsia 'Gartenmeister'  - lady's eardrops
Fuchsia (group)  - lady's eardrops
Gaillardia pulchella  - Indian blanket
Galphimia gracilis  - slender goldshower
Garcinia mangostana  - mangosteen
Gardenia jasminoides  - gardenia
Gardenia thunbergia  - Thunberg's gardenia
Gazania (group)  - treasure flower
Gazania rigens  - treasure flower
Geranium 'Azure Rush'  - cranesbill
Geranium 'Orkney Cherry'  - cranesbill
Gerbera jamesonii  - Transvaal daisy
Goeppertia roseopicta  - goeppertia
Gomphrena FOREST PINK  - globe amaranth
Gomphrena globosa  - common globe amaranth
Gomphrena globosa 'Buddy Purple'  - globe amaranth   ( POM )
Gomphrena globosa 'Buddy Rose'  - globe amaranth   ( POM )
Gomphrena globosa 'Buddy White'  - globe amaranth   ( POM )
Gomphrena haageana  - button flower
Gossypium tomentosum  - Hawaiian cotton
Graptophyllum pictum  - caricature plant
Guaiacum sanctum  - lignum vitae
Guazuma ulmifolia  - West Indian elm
Guzmania lingulata  - scarlet star
Gynura aurantiaca  - velvet plant
Hamamelis virginiana  - common witch hazel
Hamamelis virginiana 'Green Thumb'  - common witch hazel
Hamamelis virginiana 'Little Suzie'  - common witch hazel
Hamamelis virginiana 'Mohonk Red'  - common witch hazel
Hedychium 'Ayo'  - ginger lily
Hedychium coronarium  - white garland-lily
Hedychium 'Tahitian Flame'  - ginger lily
Heliotropium arborescens  - heliotrope
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis  - Chinese hibiscus
Hibiscus schizopetalus  - fringed rosemallow
Hibiscus tiliaceus  - sea hibiscus
Hibiscus trionum  - flower of an hour
Hildegardia barteri  - hildegardia
Hippeastrum (group)  - amaryllis
Hoya carnosa  - wax plant
Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella  - miniature wax plant
Hoya nummularioides  - wax plant
Hydrangea macrophylla (group)  - bigleaf hydrangea
Hypoestes phyllostachya  - polka dot plant
Impatiens balsamina  - garden balsam
Impatiens hawkeri (group)  - New Guinea impatiens
Impatiens SUNPATIENS COMPACT FIRE RED  - New Guinea impatiens
Impatiens SUNPATIENS SERIES  - New Guinea impatiens   ( POM )
Impatiens walleriana  - busy lizzy
Ipomoea lobata  - Spanish flag   ( POM )
Ipomoea mauritiana  - morning glory
Ipomoea × multifida  - cardinal climber
Ipomoea × sloteri  - cardinal climber
Isotoma axillaris  - laurentia   ( POM )
Ixora casei  - flame of the woods
Ixora coccinea  - flame of the woods
Jasminum officinale  - common jasmine
Jatropha curcas  - barbados nut
Jatropha multifida  - coralbush
Justicia brandegeeana  - shrimp plant
Justicia scheidweileri  - purple shrimp plant
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana  - kalanchoe
Kigelia africana  - sausage tree
Lablab purpureus  - hyacinth bean   ( POM )
Lagerstroemia 'Chickasaw'  - crape myrtle
Lantana camara  - lantana
Lantana montevidensis  - trailing lantana
Lantana trifolia  - shrub verbena
Latania lontaroides  - red latan
Lawsonia inermis  - henna
Leea guineensis  - leea
Leonotis leonurus  - lion's ear
Leucophyllum frutescens  - Texas barometer bush
Limnocharis flava  - yellow velvetleaf
Livistona jenkinsiana  - fan palm
Lodoicea maldivica  - double coconut palm
Lonicera japonica 'Aureoreticulata'  - Japanese honeysuckle
Lonicera periclymenum  - honeysuckle
Lonicera pileata 'Royal Carpet'  - privet honeysuckle
Ludisia (group)  - jewel orchid
Luffa aegyptiaca  - sponge gourd
Macadamia integrifolia  - macadamia nut
Malpighia coccigera  - Singapore holly
Mandevilla × amabilis  - mandevilla
Mandevilla boliviensis  - white dipladenia
Mandevilla 'Red Velvet'  - mandevilla
Manihot esculenta  - cassava
Manihot esculenta 'Variegata'  - bitter cassava
Marsdenia floribunda  - bridal bouquet
Mecardonia 'Gold Dust'  - axilflower
Medinilla magnifica  - showy medinilla
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys  - Brazilian red cloak
Melampodium divaricatum  - melampodium
Melampodium divaricatum 'Derby'  - melampodium   ( POM )
Mirabilis jalapa  - marvel of Peru
Miscanthus floridulus  - Pacific Island silvergrass
Miscanthus oligostachyus  - miscanthus
Miscanthus sinensis  - Chinese silver grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio'  - eulalia   ( POM )
Morinda citrifolia  - Indian mulberry
Muhlenbergia capillaris  - pink muhlygrass
Muhlenbergia rigens  - deergrass
Murraya koenigii  - curry leaf
Murraya paniculata  - orange jessamine
Musa acuminata  - banana
Musa acuminata 'Zebrina'  - blood banana
Musa basjoo  - Japanese banana
Musa 'Orinoco'  - banana
Musa ornata  - flowering banana
Musa × paradisiaca  - edible banana
Musa 'Siam Ruby'  - banana
Mussaenda (group)  - paper-rose
Myristica fragrans  - nutmeg
Nageia nagi  - negeia
Nemesia caerulea  - nemesia
Neoregelia carolinae f. tricolor  - blushing bromeliad
Nerium oleander  - oleander
Nicotiana alata  - flowering tobacco
Nicotiana sylvestris  - tobacco plant   ( POM )
Nierembergia scoparia  - cupflower
Nymphaea 'Comanche'  - hardy water lily
Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore'  - tropical water lily
Nymphaea 'Marliacea Chromatella'  - hardy water lily
Nymphaea 'Pygmaea Helvola'  - hardy water lily
Nymphaea 'Sunny Pink'  - hardy water lily
Nymphaea 'Tina'  - tropical water lily
Nymphaea 'Wood's Blue Goddess'  - tropical water lily
Ocimum basilicum  - sweet basil
Oncidium (group)  - orchid
Oxypetalum coeruleum  - tweedia
Pachira aquatica  - Guiana chestnut
Pachira aquatica 'Lemon Blush'  - water chestnut
Pachypodium rutenbergianum  - pachypodium
Pachyrhizus erosus  - jicama
Pachystachys coccinea  - cardinal's guard
Pachystachys lutea  - golden shrimp plant
Pandanus tectorius  - screw pine
Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue'  - bitter switchgrass
Panicum bulbosum  - panic grass
Panicum 'Huron Solstice'  - switch grass
Panicum 'Prairie Fire'  - switch grass
Panicum virgatum  - switch grass
Panicum virgatum 'Badlands'  - switch grass
Panicum virgatum 'Northwind'  - switch grass   ( POM )
Panicum virgatum 'Rehbraun'  - switch grass
Panicum virgatum 'Squaw'  - switch grass
Paphiopedilum (group)  - Venus' slipper
Paspalum floridanum  - Florida paspalum
Passiflora caerulea  - blue passionflower
Passiflora edulis  - purple granadilla
Pelargonium × domesticum  - regal geranium
Pelargonium × hortorum  - zonal geranium
Pelargonium peltatum  - ivyleaf geranium
Pelargonium (scented-leaved group)  - scented-leaved geranium
Pennisetum alopecuroides  - fountain grass
Pentas lanceolata  - Egyptian star flower   ( POM )
Peperomia argyreia  - watermelon peperomia
Peperomia caperata  - emerald ripple pepper
Peperomia 'Hope'  - peperomia
Peperomia obtusifolia  - baby rubber plant
Pericallis × hybrida  - florist's cineraria
Persea americana  - avocado
Petrea volubilis  - queen's wreath
Petroselinum crispum  - parsley   ( POM )
Petunia (group)  - petunia
Phaius (group)  - orchid
Phalaenopsis (group)  - moth orchid
Philodendron bipinnatifidum  - horsehead philodendron
Philodendron 'Winterbourn' XANADU  - philodendron   ( POM )
Phoenix canariensis  - Canary Island date palm
Phyllanthus acidus  - Tahitian gooseberry tree
Piloblephis rigida  - wild pennyroyal
Piper nigrum  - common pepper
Plectranthus australis  - Swedish ivy
Plectranthus strigosus  - Swedish ivy
Plinia cauliflora  - jaboticaba
Plumbago auriculata  - Cape leadwort
Plumeria alba  - West Indian jasmine
Plumeria obtusa  - Singapore graveyard flower
Plumeria rubra  - templetree
Poa annua var. reptans  - creeping bluegrass
Polygala × dalmaisiana  - sweet pea shrub
Polyscias filicifolia  - fern-leaf aralia
Polyscias fruticosa  - Ming aralia
Portulaca grandiflora  - rose moss
Portulaca oleracea  - little hogweed
Portulaca oleracea RIO SERIES  - purslane   ( POM )
Protea cynaroides  - king protea
Ptychosperma macarthurii  - ptychosperma
Punica granatum var. nana  - dwarf pomegranate
Radermachera sinica  - Asian bell tree
Ravenala madagascariensis  - traveller's tree
Rosa 'Amiga Mia'  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Andeli' DOUBLE DELIGHT  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Ausdir' TRADESCANT  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Ausmary' MARY ROSE  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Baiore' POLAR JOY  - shrub rose
Rosa 'BAIrift' SNOWDRIFT  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Ballerina'  - hybrid musk rose
Rosa 'Benblack' BLACK JADE  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Champlain'  - kordesii rose
Rosa 'Country Dancer'  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Dainty Bess'  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Demokracie' BLAZE IMPROVED  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa 'Dolly Parton'  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Don Juan'  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa DORTMUND  - kordesii rose
Rosa 'Dreaming Spires'  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa 'Genpat' DAZZLER  - mini-flora rose
Rosa GOLDEN SHOWERS  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa 'Golden Wings'  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Gruss an Aachen'  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Hansa'  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Hilaroma' SECRET  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'JACarque' HONEY PERFUME  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Jaccasp' HAPPY TRAILS  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Jaccofl' BRASS BAND  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Jacmouse' DISNEYLAND  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Jacopper' VETERANS' HONOR  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Jacpurr' PURPLE TIGER  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Jacruwhi' WILD SPICE  - rugosa rose
Rosa 'Jacwypin' CHANGE OF HEART  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Jaczeeze' FRAGRANT WAVE  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Jaczeman' SUNDANCE  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Jeanne Lajoie'  - climbing miniature rose
Rosa 'Korbilant' PAROLE  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Korbin' ICEBERG  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Marchesa Boccella'  - hybrid perpetual rose
Rosa 'Meidomonac' BONICA  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Meilavio' TRAVIATA  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Meiroupis' COLETTE  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa 'Mister Lincoln'  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Morten' LINDA CAMPBELL  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Mrs. Anthony Waterer'  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Mutabilis'  - China rose
Rosa 'Nearly Wild'  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Nevada'  - hybrid moyesii rose
Rosa 'New Dawn'  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa 'Paloma Blanca'  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Peace'  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Perfume Delight'  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Prose' BURGUNDY ICEBERG  - floribunda rose
Rosa QUEEN ELIZABETH  - grandiflora rose
Rosa 'Radrazz' KNOCK OUT  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Red Cascade'  - climbing miniature rose
Rosa 'Rose de Rescht'  - Portland rose
Rosa 'Ruimired' RED MINIMO  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savacon' CONSTELLATION  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savahalo' GOLDEN HALO  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savamor' SCENTSATIONAL  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savapace' PACESETTER  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savared' RED SCENTSATION  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savasach' SACHET  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savasweet' SPICE DROP  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savaweek' JULIE ANN  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Savawire' LIVE WIRE  - miniature rose
Rosa 'Schneekoppe' SNOW PAVEMENT  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Scrivluv' BABY LOVE  - miniature rose
Rosa SEA SHELL THRIVE  - shrub rose
Rosa 'Sir Thomas Lipton'  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Tanellis' FRAGRANT CLOUD  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'The Fairy'  - polyantha rose
Rosa 'Thérèse Bugnet'  - hybrid rugosa rose
Rosa 'Wekblunez' MEMORIAL DAY  - hybrid tea rose
Rosa 'Wekpaltlez' HOT COCOA  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Wekplapep' SCENTIMENTAL  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Wekplapic' BETTY BOOP  - floribunda rose
Rosa 'Wekroalt' FOURTH OF JULY  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa WHITE DAWN  - large-flowered climbing rose
Rosa 'William Baffin'  - kordesii rose
Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin'  - bourbon rose
Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense'  - butterfly bush
Rubus idaeus 'Fallgold'  - raspberry
Rubus idaeus 'Heritage'  - red raspberry
Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors'  - black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cappuccino'  - black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy'  - black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'  - black-eyed Susan   ( POM )
Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Spring'  - black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta 'Moreno'  - black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun'  - black-eyed Susan   ( POM )
Ruellia geminiflora  - ruellia
Ruellia simplex  - Mexican petunia
Ruellia simplex 'Purple Showers'  - Mexican petunia   ( POM )
Ruellia squarrosa  - ruellia
Russelia equisetiformis  - fountainbush
Saccharum officinarum  - sugar cane
Saintpaulia ionantha  - African violet
Salvia farinacea  - mealycup sage
Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue'  - mealycup sage   ( POM )
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'  - anise-scented sage   ( POM )
Salvia holwayi  - sage
Salvia leucantha  - Mexican bush sage
Salvia rosmarinus 'Blue Rain'  - rosemary   ( POM )
Salvia rosmarinus (Prostrata Group)  - creeping rosemary
Salvia splendens  - scarlet sage
Sanvitalia procumbens  - creeping zinnia
Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue'  - pincushion flower   ( POM )
Scabiosa 'Fama White'  - pincushion flower
Scabiosa 'Giant Blue'  - pincushion flower
Scabiosa 'Grand Stone'  - pincushion flower
Scabiosa 'Pink Mist'  - pincushion flower
Scaevola aemula  - fan flower
Scaevola aemula 'Blue Wonder'  - fan flower   ( POM )
Scaevola taccada  - beach naupaka
Schaueria flavicoma  - schavleria
Schizachyrium scoparium  - little bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blaze'  - little bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium 'Jazz'  - little bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium 'Standing Ovation'  - little bluestem   ( POM )
Schlumbergera × buckleyi  - Christmas cactus
Schlumbergera truncata  - Christmas cactus
Senecio rowleyanus  - string of pearls
Senna alata  - emperor's candlesticks
Senna didymobotyra  - popcorn cassia
Sida fallax  - ilima
Sinningia speciosa  - gloxinia
Solanum crispum  - nightshade
Sorghastrum nutans  - Indian grass
Spathiphyllum (group)  - peace lily
Spathodea campanulata  - African tuliptree
Spodiopogon sibiricus  - frost grass
Sprekelia formosissima  - Aztec lily
Strelitzia reginae  - bird of paradise
Streptocarpus (group)  - Cape primrose
Strobilanthes dyerianus  - Persian shield   ( POM )
Syagrus coronata  - licuri palm
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium  - aromatic aster   ( POM )
Syzygium malaccense  - Malaysian apple
Tabebuia rosea  - tabebuia
Tacca leontopetaloides  - batflower
Tagetes erecta  - African marigold
Tagetes patula  - French marigold
Tapeinochilos ananassae  - Indonesian wax ginger
Tecoma stans  - yellow bells
Tecoma stans GOLD STAR  - yellow bells   ( POM )
Terminalia catappa  - tropical almond
Teucrium fruticans  - tree germander
Theobroma cacao  - cacao
Thunbergia alata  - blackeyed Susan vine
Thunbergia alata 'Orange Wonder'  - black-eyed Susan
Thymophylla tenuiloba  - Dahlberg daisy   ( POM )
Tibouchina heteromalla  - glory bush
Tibouchina urvilleana  - princess flower
Toona ciliata  - Australian redcedar
Torenia fournieri  - wishbone flower
Tournefortia argentea  - tree heliotrope
Tradescantia fluminensis  - small-leaf spiderwort
Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'  - spider lily   ( POM )
Tradescantia spathacea  - boat lily
Tradescantia zebrina  - inch plant
Typha laxmannii  - bullrush
Typha minima  - bullrush
Vanilla planifolia  - vanilla
Verbena 'Annie'  - verbena
Verbena bonariensis  - tall verbena   ( POM )
Verbena 'Imagination'  - verbena   ( POM )
Vriesea splendens  - vriesea
Xerochrysum bracteatum  - everlasting flower
Yucca elephantipes  - Spineless yucca
Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven'  - ZZ plant   ( POM )
Zingiber officinale  - common ginger
Zinnia angustifolia  - creeping zinnia
Zinnia angustifolia 'Classic'  - creeping zinnia   ( POM )
Zinnia elegans  - zinnia
Zinnia (group)  - zinnia