Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in part shade. Prefers consistently moist, organically rich soils in shady areas. Generally intolerant of dry soils, but tolerates some dryness better than most other cultivars of this species. Foliage may scorch in hot summer sun. Plants prefer cool summers, and generally will not perform well in the hot and humid summer conditions of the deep South (USDA Zones 7-9). Clumps slowly spread by creeping rhizomes to form thick ground covers. Plants may self seed in optimum growing conditions, but seedlings of variegated forms may not come true (may lose variegation).
Noteworthy Characteristics
Brunnera macrophylla, commonly called Siberian bugloss, is a rhizomatous, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial native to forested, mountain slopes in northeastern Turkey and the Caucasus. It is primarily grown in shady areas for its attractive heart-shaped, dark green, basal foliage. Small, blue, forget-me-not-like flowers with white centers bloom in airy, branched racemes rising well above the foliage on slender stems to 18" tall in spring. Basal leaves form a foliage mound which remains attractive throughout the growing season. Smaller upper leaves are elliptic.
Brunnera macrophylla is synonymous with and sometimes sold as Anchusa myosotidiflora.
Genus name honors Swiss botanist Samuel Brunner (1790-1844).
Specific epithet from Latin means large leaved.
Common name of bugloss comes from Greek meaning ox tongue in probable reference to the roughness and shape of the leaves.
‘Jack Frost’ leaves are a distinctive silvery white with green primary and secondary veins and a thin green rim around the leaf edges. It is a sport of non-patented Brunnera marcrophylla ‘Langtrees’. U.S. Plant Patent PP13,859 issued June 3, 2003.
No serious insect or disease problems. Slugs and snails are occasional visitors. Rabbits tend to avoid this plant.
Specimen, groups or mass as a ground cover. Borders, woodland gardens, naturalized areas or along streams or ponds. Plantings of variegated cultivars allowed to naturalize through self seeding may not come up true to form. Containers.