Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to light shade. Best flowering in full sun. Wide range of soil tolerance. Prefers moist, rich, humusy soils. Established shrubs have some drought tolerance. Stems are somewhat short-lived, and annual pruning of dead branches is usually necessary. Prune in late spring to early summer immediately after flowering. Propagate by summer cuttings.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Deutzia × hybrida is a name that applies to a number of different shrubs which are hybrids between D. longifolia and D. discolor. These hybrids are typically bushy, multi-stemmed, upright-rounded, rapid-growing, deciduous shrubs that mature to 4-6’ tall and as wide. Showy flowers are produced in late spring to early summer (May-June). When not in flower, deutzias are often described as having a rather unkempt appearance, particularly if not regularly pruned.
Genus name honors Johan van der Deutz (1743-1788), amateur botanist from Amsterdam.
'Magicien' is a dense, rounded, deciduous shrub with slender, broadly spreading to arching stems. Typically grows 4-6' tall (less frequently to 8') and as wide. Small, bell-shaped flowers (to 3/4" ) are pink with white edging and appear in late spring in numerous racemes which cover the shrub for about two weeks. Lanceolate, opposite, bright green leaves. Respectable but not spectacular burgundy fall color. This cultivar is synonymous with and sometime sold as 'Magician'.
No serious insect or disease problems. Aphids and leaf spots may appear.
Group in shrub borders, foundations or open woodland areas. Informal hedge. Slopes.