Mesembryanthemum cordifolium 'Mesbicla' MEZOO TRAILING RED
Common Name: heartleaf iceplant 
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Aizoaceae
Zone: 9 to 10
Height: 0.50 to 0.75 feet
Spread: 1.00 to 2.00 feet
Bloom Time: June to October
Bloom Description: Red
Sun: Full sun
Water: Dry to medium
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Annual, Ground Cover
Leaf: Colorful


A short-lived, tender perennial that is winter hardy to USDA Zones 9-10. Where not winter hardy, it is typically grown as an annual or overwintered indoors. It is typically grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Prefers a dryish, sandy to gravelly soil. Good tolerance for drought and heat. Likes cool nights. Good soil drainage is essential for growing this plant well. Avoid overwatering, but do not allow soils to completely dry out. Fertilize lightly. Sow seed indoors 10-12 weeks prior to last spring frost for summer to fall bloom (June to October).

Noteworthy Characteristics

Mesembryanthemum cordifolium, commonly called heartleaf iceplant or baby sun-rose, is a succulent mat-forming tender perennial/annual that is endemic to the eastern coastal region of South Africa, from Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal. It is widely grown as an ornamental around the world and has escaped cultivation to become naturalized or invasive in many areas including the western coast of the United States, parts of Mexico and South America, Mediterranean Europe, northern Africa, eastern Australia, and New Zealand. It is noted for its dense, prostrate, free-branching, spreading form and showy bloom display. Plants typically grow to 3-6" tall and spread to 2' wide or more. Glossy, succulent, cordate or ovate leaves will reach 2" long and 1" wide. The leaves and stems have a dense layer of grayish, water-storing papillae (small projections or bumps) on their surfaces. Small (0.75" wide), pink to magenta flowers with numerous, narrow petals bloom from the leaf axils. Synonymous with Aptenia cordifolia.

Genus name honors Dorothea Schwantes, mother of the German specialist on succulent plants, Dr. Martin Heinrich Schwantes (1881-1960), archaeologist and professor at Kiel.

Specific epithet means in the form of bellis in reference to the similarity of plant flowers to those of Bellis perennis (English lawn daisy).

The common name heartleaf iceplant refers to the appearance of the cordate (heart-shaped) leaves which may sparkle in the sun as if covered in ice due to the presence of a layer of water-storing papillae on their surface. The common name baby-sun rose may refer to the color and size of the blooms as well as their tendency to only open with sunlight and remain closed on cloudy days.

'Mesbicla' features rose red flowers on spreading stems clad with variegated light green leaves edged with white. Mature plants will reach up to 8" tall spread to fill a 2' area. Often sold at nurseries and garden centers under the name MEZOO TRAILING RED.


No serious insect or disease problems. Watch for mealybugs and scale.


Grows well in hot, dry locations. Border fronts, rock gardens, foundations. Ground cover, edger. Also effective in containers.